The aluminum piggy bank....

Sep 25, 2011 17:20

I feel a nice sense of accomplishment (and a certain amount of horror): I cleaned out my car this afternoon. It is now possible for someone to ride in the passenger seat, novel idea. The weather, though sunny, was tolerable. I didn't have sweat running down my face, I wasn't staggering from incipient heatstroke---it was warm, not hot. Thank you, Mother/Father God.

The horror emerged from my trunk. ("The trunk? Oh, you don't want to look in there....") Two bags of cans (the kitchen-sized white ones, but still)---and another from the front and back seats. Now granted, I haven't done a can run since February, exactly seven months ago today, in fact. And because I've been lazy, they're not all crushed cans, which takes up significantly more room.

But holy cannoli, I've got a few more bags here, even more at my house---I don't think I can get them all in my car, not even if I take everything out. Not sure what the going rate is---last time it was 55 cents a pound---but it should help with either reloading my phone with minutes or a little gas for my tank.

My recycler isn't open on Monday; I'm thinking I'll do some packing tonight and tomorrow and load that and the cans into the car on Tuesday, drop stuff off at my place, grab the rest of the cans (Praying they'll all fit---I don't want to have to make a second run out there---15 cents a mile!---but I really don't want another trip like last time, where I couldn't see out of the windows and had a cop on my ass for four miles. I may wind up stomping cans flat out in the garage.)

For good measure, I think I'll bug-bomb the house, just in case. Like I said earlier, I've barely been there since early July, and I suspect the palmetto bugs have been living la vida loco. Not to mention the spiders. Guh, Florida....


aluminum, weather, recycling

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