The aluminum piggy bank....

Sep 25, 2011 17:20

I feel a nice sense of accomplishment (and a certain amount of horror): I cleaned out my car this afternoon. It is now possible for someone to ride in the passenger seat, novel idea. The weather, though sunny, was tolerable. I didn't have sweat running down my face, I wasn't staggering from incipient heatstroke---it was warm, not hot. Thank you, ( Read more... )

aluminum, weather, recycling

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vanillafluffy September 26 2011, 00:55:24 UTC
I blush to admit it, but I do 2-liter bottles as well. The return-for-cash factor is one plus for cans. So is the size. I can suck doown a 2L in a couple hours of TV viewing without thinking about it. If I have to go back for another can...well, it slows me down a little. I know, I shouldn't live on the stuff, which I do---but I've tried decaffeination, and I feel wretched. Not just the headsche, but my energy level is like I'm living on Jupiter. It's like that joke, you may not live longer, but it'll feel like it.



pwcorgigirl September 26 2011, 01:25:27 UTC
My friend Miss V. has been gifting Corgikid with her soda cans, and I was slightly horrified to look on the back porch yesterday and see three Bag-Zillas of them out there. I think she's been bathing in Diet Coke at that rate!


vanillafluffy September 26 2011, 01:32:10 UTC
She may be like me---the downside to cans is, you can't see how much is in it. I've been known to leave half-full cans all over the house and start new ones!



kukkurkurat September 27 2011, 16:07:12 UTC
Yes, for car clean-out and the lot of cans that will give you a monetary boost!!!


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