Just ducky

Sep 25, 2011 14:02

The ducks love me tolerate me because I serve them food.The cat loves me because I have nails and know where to scratch. The old dog sniffs me and wags in passing and is appreciative of the Velveeta I hide her pills in.

Rosie, on the other hand, is giving me the stink-eye. After her vet visit the week before last, she's been getting twice daily ear drops for a fungal infection that seems to be clearing up nicely. Still, she gets the drops until the drops are gone, and she's gotten to the point where, as soon as I open the bottle and she gets a whiff, she's gone.

There's a line from Shakespeare, something about pouring poison in the porches of someone's ears---I always think of that line when I've got her pinned and her ear flap pulled back so I can squirt her dose in. You'd think I *was* poisoning her from the reproachful looks I get! Silly bitch. You can run, but you can't hide. Like it or not, I'm your Pack Leader for the time being, and you WILL be properly murdicated. Er, medicated....

Heard from the C's yesterday that they currently expect to return on Wednesday, as in the day after the day after tomorrow, NOT next Saturday as originally planned. My back is rejoicing at the thought of not having to sleep on the padded brick for those three nights. The rest of me is not so sanguine; bye-bye a/c, cable. Back to Home Sweet Hell, where I'll be relying on my paygo phone, a converter box and portable and ceiling fans.

But hey, what can you do? As much as I've been missing my bed, I'm sure the C's have been missing theirs. Woke up this morning humming Que sera, sera--- and determined to enjoy it while it lasts.

Heck, it's going to take me that long to pack---I don't thinkl I've been home more than 24 hours in the last two months; I'd just run in, grab a few items to vary my wardrobe and dash back out. So I've got a bunch of tote bags, laptop bag, stuff on hangers, a cardboard carton full of provisions, and that doesn't count the stuff in the fridge....

* * * * *

Btw, if you're not the type to shun spoilers, just go to IMDb and look at the list of titles for upcoming eps of SPN. Fanservice much?!?! My pick for #9 is Bobby and Crowley, but we all know 'Fluffy's a little warped, right?


house-sitting, dogs

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