Party planning

Aug 16, 2009 23:33

Chatting with missybrat this afternoon reminded me that I needed to assemble a guest list for The Party. Sat down with my phone list and my contacts list and tried to pare them down to reasonable proportions. There are a bunch of you all that I'd love to invite, but I can't afford to fly you in or put you up. Think of me, and I'll do my best to get/post pix.

It was also good practice in Excel, which I haven't used in quite a while. I've done stuff with it before, but not in XP, Gawd, it has to be...*counts on fingers* since '97, at least. Mb and I also discussed job leads; I must hone my resume!

Meanwhile, Party. I did my best with the guest list to ensure that everyone would know at least one other person, so no one would be off in a corner sucking their thumb. I'm already daydreaming about introducing various people to each other---nothing romantic, just folks with common interests. It ought to be a lively bunch!

Since I'm not doing any of the hands-on stuff, I'm viewing it as a surprise party for someone who likes good suspense. Like, I'm one of those people, who will take the gift-wrapped box and weigh it and squeeze it and shake it and guess what it might be, and then I'll spend five minutes painstakingly peeling back each strip of tape. So, there's a party, and I know where it is, and the theme, and I have an idea of who-all is coming, and maybe a guess or two about the menu---but I don't know what music will be playing, or how they'll decorate---I'm hoping for some real flowers!---and I don't know how long it'll last---I'm hoping for hours and hours of fun!

Yikes, it's just 20 days away!

birthday party

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