Party planning

Aug 16, 2009 23:33

Chatting with missybrat this afternoon reminded me that I needed to assemble a guest list for The Party. Sat down with my phone list and my contacts list and tried to pare them down to reasonable proportions. There are a bunch of you all that I'd love to invite, but I can't afford to fly you in or put you up. Think of me, and I'll do my best to get/post pix ( Read more... )

birthday party

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Comments 10

pwcorgigirl August 17 2009, 11:17:57 UTC
That is really very cool that you get to choose the guest list for your surprise party. The older I get, the less I like surprises. :)


vanillafluffy August 17 2009, 12:57:04 UTC
Honey, I know the feeling! The thing is, I have multiple spheres of friends, and they rarely overlap (and when they do, it isn't always successful), so to me, this is also a daring experiment. I have the people I've known forever, people I've met through various jobs and gaming, my church cronies...I've excluded a couple people on the grounds of being loose cannons, but I still have a remarkably healthy RL friends list. (If I thought you had any desire to zoom down here for Labor Day weekend, you would totally be on the guest list, you know that, right?)


pwcorgigirl August 17 2009, 15:16:31 UTC
I have that problem with my friends too. I could never put my college friends (both religious Republicans) in the same room with my newspapers friends (basically anarchist radicals) and hope for anyone to come out unbloodied!

Sorry I have no plans to be in Florida that weekend, but it's so sweet of you to think of me. I bet it's going to be a blast. :)


vanillafluffy August 17 2009, 16:24:14 UTC
My recent coworkers may get a surprise, since all of the party planners are wiccan, and my affiliation is something I haven't advertized. I don't think it'll come up, but it could be interesting, and shouldn't make a difference, work-wise. (By then, it should all be over but the job hunt...and no, I'm not fired yet, but I don't want to post about it until it's final. I appreciate the concern everyone has shown, but going over the details again and again is like being repeated disemboweled.)


ang5fam August 17 2009, 11:38:42 UTC
Do you know the actual date of the soiree??


vanillafluffy August 17 2009, 12:50:30 UTC
It's Saturday, September 5, Labor Day weekend---but I don't know what time it'll start. I'm thinking mid-afternoon, but what do I know?!


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vanillafluffy August 18 2009, 01:05:07 UTC
If there's anyone I know who needs a carefree getaway, it's you. Wish I could import you for a few days!


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vanillafluffy August 18 2009, 22:35:20 UTC
Too bad we can't both escape together---I just got back from being fired. Maybe the Rockies...nice and cool and I could use a cowboy!


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