How can you cougar a guy who's older than you are?!

Aug 17, 2009 22:10

Having gotten sucked into Leverage, I decided to revisit Tiimothy Hutton's Oscar-winning role in Ordinary People this afternoon. (On VHS---! IMDb dates the movie as 1980, and I was with my brother when he purchased the tape previously viewed circa 1985.)

My first thought was, OMG, he's just a BABY! Which was before I consulted IMDb and discovered he's *actually* three weeks older than me. His birthday was yesterday. Happy B-day, Tim! Seriously, I kept looking at those long, slim legs in those tight jeans (I swear, they don't make jeans that fit like THAT any more.) and feeling like a total cougar---and btw, starhawk2005, it's also got Fred Lehne as Tim's estranged friend, and sporting rock star hair that's not quite a mullet. Priceless. Ditto Adam Baldwin, who I've fancied ever since he did My Bodyguard. And to whet the appetites of anyone else who may contemplate watching it, they're all on the swim team together and there are a couple scenes in trunks.

One of the things that struck me---not-quite-jailbait aside---was how much Donald Sutherland looks like Kiefer, and vice versa. Consulting IMDb yet again and doing a little math reveals that Sutherland Sr was 45 when the film was released (presumably 43-44ish when it was shot, allowing for editing and all that) and Junior will turn 43 at the end of this year.

Even Judd Hirsch seems relatively well-preserved compared to the last thing I saw him in, which was Independence Day, which seems to be popping up on TV quite a bit lately. And his charecter, Dr. Berger, has the perfect comeback to my favorite exchange in the whole movie:

Conrad "Con" Jarrett: When I let myself feel, all I feel is lousy.
Dr. Berger: Oh well excuse me, I never promised you a rose garden.
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Oh fuck you Berger.
Dr. Berger: What?
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: FUCK YOU!
Dr. Berger: Hey, that's it!
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: Geez! You're really weird huh, what do you feel huh? Do you jerk off, or jack off, or whatever you call it?
Dr. Berger: What do you think?
Conrad "Con" Jarrett: What do I think? I think you're married to a fat lady and you go home and you fuck the living daylights out of her!
Dr. Berger: Sounds good to me.

MTM...after several hundred Saturday nights spent watching the Mary Tyler Moore show, this is just---there are no words. It's like Barney the Big Purple Plushie coming onstage with a Glock and capping the whole audience. NOT cute/funny/perky. Freakin' scary.

As far at Tim's portrayal of the charecter goes, I'm totally floored that he's referred to as a "supporting actor". Conrad is so central to the film that it would collapse without him, and Tim nails it perfectly. He totally deserved that Oscar, regardless of the category. Now I really want to pursue more of his backlist....

movie, cougar, leverage

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