Hail to the Chief

Feb 09, 2009 22:50

What a pleasure it is to listen to a Presidential address and not be reduced to rage by the incoherence of the speaker! What a stirring experience to admire the articulate eloquence of our Commander-in-Chief. To actually applaud the points being made instead of snarling at the screen. How novel to feel hope rather than disgust.

In particular, when Mr. Obama spoke of the need to develop technology to reduce dependence on foreign oil, I cheered. I've proudly labeled myself an architecture buff for years---in high school, in the late 70s, I read up on building energy efficient houses, and wanted to design them (but my math grades were crap, so that never happened). The point is, I've always seen a need for smarter, more economical design, and I've felt like Cassandra for years. I wonder if we would be in this current pickle if, instead of concentrating on the arms race, Reagan et al had pushed for gains in solar and wind power, or built earth-friendly housing instead of missile silos.

Certainly, that's not the only thing we need at this point. It may be called a "stimulus package", not a New Deal, but the principle is the same. We need jobs AND we need good roads, strong bridges and to make our government buildings as thrifty as possible---these goals are mutually inclusive. I'll be watching this initiative with interest.

It's a good feeling.


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