Sunday night

Feb 08, 2009 21:45

I'm glad that this year I gave myself "permission" not to post every day. For the last two years, I was determined to post, regardless, which was really stressful during cable outages and the like. It also led to an awful lot of bitching on my part---sorry, y'all!---because I needed a topic and The Latest Shit at Work was the only thing I could think of. Or I'd cough up a joke or a picture or a meme---not that there's anything wrong with that, but it always seemed forced to me.

There's not a great deal to catch up on as far as the last couple of days go. Thursday and Friday, there was a website snafu for one of our partners---they had a sale on shirts, announced on the site as, "ALL SHIRTS, $12.99". The price wasn't appearing correctly in the shopping cart. There were no conditions on the website, so I made a lot of high dollar sales and sent a lot of emails to the credit department saying, "Credit this customer the difference, promo not working." Y'know, that's one of the things I lovelovelove about my schedule---Sundays are when most sales end and Mondays are when all the fallout hits, so I avoid all that! I'm mildly curious as to know whether they're going to honor it on all brands---they usually have conditions---or whether I will walk in to chaos on Tuesday, but sufficient unto the day, etcetera.... My numbers for this week should be fairly awesome.

We had a fun presentation today at church in honor of President's Day (which technically is next week, but whatever). A presidential trivia quiz! There were some great trick questions and fab facts---I got 18 out of 25 questions---although we weren't being graded!---and even came up with a bit of arcane knowledge of my own: Grant's given name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. It was unofficially changed when he entered West Point, because the registrar thought it might be embarrassing for him to have to use the initials H.U.G.; he combined Ulysses with Simpson, Grant's mother's maiden name.

My lawn is mowed! This is a great relief, since all I need is for Those Neighbors to get snarky and turn me in to Code Enforcement again. I definitely cannot afford that shit!

Did not get with J today for the simple reason that I haven't had time to get anything together for eBay sale since our talk, plus I need to write a description for the listing. I'll be sure to give y'all the details in case I'm selling something you can't live without!

ebay, work, church

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