
Feb 17, 2006 21:30

It's a good thing it's Friday, and it's a good thing next week is going to be a short week. (Taking off Thurs-Fri to hang out with GK.)

I'm tired, I'm not real happy where I am now--not only is it the size of a shoebox, I have the Bitching Bitch behind me. (Wonder what would happen if I brought in a REALLY big fan? *envisions a Wind Machine two feet across blowing papers all over the office*)

At lunchtime, I went and paid on my layaway (down to under $50, yay!) and got a new battery installed in my watch (my everyday Fossil--I've felt lost without it).

Tomorrow I'm going to take a power cord over to S (because she won't stop carping about it), and on the way back, hit the mall and catch "Mrs. Henderson Presents" which has finally opened here! (I am damn sure going to jump on the opportunity, since it's likely to be in and out of the local theatre rather quickly--I'm delighted that it's here at all, considering the cheesy teen flicks they usually book.)

And I'm probably going to go to bed at a ridiculously early hour again (had the lights off by this time last night!) because my heart's not in it....
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