And it was all going so well....

Feb 16, 2006 19:15 it all went to shit at 8:40 AM, when I was told to move out of my nice, big cubical with a view into a nasty little space one-third the size.

I'm not surprised; I had a premonition it might be coming, but a little real-world advance fucking notice would have been nice. I spent most of the morning lugging things to my new desk and out to my car and muttering quietly to myself. I'm going to be hunting for things for a month, at least, if I don't run completely amok. (Turning around and slapping the crap out of the individual who complained about my fan freezing her ass off may get me into trouble yet. Put on a jacket, bitch, and don't give me any crap, I am in NO MOOD.)

My lower back is killing me; I'm not sure if I did something while I was hauling things around, or if it's stress, or what. Otherwise, I'd be over at K's this evening, consuming quantities of chocolate and relaxing. Instead, I'm considering the merits of crawling into bed at 9PM and staying there for 10 hours.

Life is sucking right now.

medical billing, bitch please

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