In honour of my refinding my copy of Photoshop, a GIP. Now if I could only remember all those exact icon plans I had apart from you know, a ghetto hood beating up a Latverian genius meglomaniac dictator over $200.*
Also, yesterday I did DIY. My new desk arrived in flat pack form and I built it up all by myself (with one bit of help from my dad with lifting, who was left feeeling a little useless by my determined independence.) The tradition is to bitch and moan about this process but I actually found it loads of fun. I love building things, and working stuff like this out. Oh, the happy day it was when I worked out how to dismantle (and reassemble) our Dyson. Seriously, the electric cordless screwdriver is one of the most awesome inventions in the history of neccessity.
I think this counters out the excessively girly squeeing I did the day before over
my new shoes. (They may not look that exciting in the pic, but on me they look fabulous.) Hah! Take that, gender stereotypes! For you are Doctor Doom, and I ...I am Squirrel Girl!.**
PS: For those who love the ladies,
femslash_today is holding a
unporn battle. If I could write, I'd be severely tempted.
*I <3 comics.
**My comics this week were mainly X-Men. I shouldn't be allowed to read too much Marvel. It does something funny to my brain.