I <3 comics

Nov 13, 2006 23:02

One thing that's great about reading vast amounts of back issues at once is that you really get a feel for a writer, or at least the difference between writers. Dixon!Nightwing flows quite well into Grayson!Nightwing, even though the changeover is quite obvious what with Devin ditching all of corrupt corrupt Bludhaven in like three issues.

Then you get changeovers like Perez to Messner-Loebs where Diana goes from ambassador to near-goddess to Space Pirate* to working fast food. What other fandom could ever compete with that? Hell, what other character can?

This is why I'm now a die-hard Wonder Woman fan. In times of trouble all you need to do is remember WWWWD? - What Would Wonder Woman Do? (Sadly the answer 'snap the neck of a suddenly-evil billionaire former cyborg with mind-control powers' is less applicable in my day-today life than you'd imagine. I've really got to work on my upper body strength.)

*Never getting any less awesome.


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