Soft Spot [D.Gray-Man, Komui/Krory, WTFness XD]

May 13, 2007 15:03

Title: Soft Spot
Series: D.Gray-Man
Pairing: Komui/Krory
Word Count: 258
A/N: I will convince you, 
ashestoX3 And
karro, this is for you, for saving me from a boring night and from sanity. XDDD; Let the Komui/Krory crackfandom COMMENCE~ YATTA~ XD

Soft Spot

Komui hadn’t known how it started, but the key fact was that it had. It was curious, and even had him mildly concerned. His weakness for Lenalee was still a source for many an explosion in their home base, and surely he couldn’t risk another obsession like the one he possessed for Komurin number 33, now.

Sharp teeth were still being fixed, but the watery gaze staring up at him got to him how, even coming close to stopping him on a number of occasions.

Of course, he never did stop. Allen’s arm aside, fixing Krory’s teeth was definitely one of those interesting aspects of his duties that he could not slack off at, even if Krory gave him those eyes again, begging him no.

Krory had to be taught tough love as an exorcist in the making. Komui couldn’t be deterred by the hope in those wide eyes turning to anguish on his clinical white seat that so many had passed out in, or the almost childlike joy he found in the most mundane objects, perceived normal by any other. Once, even his mug, pink and adorned with the picture of a rabbit, had caught Krory’s eye. For the following day, it had to endure the sallow cheek as the once-believed vampire rubbed it against his cheek, that peculiar hair brushing against it as if a dog wagging his tail in happiness.

Komui had been careful to instruct his slaves assistants to only wash the inside of his mug from now on.

For inspection reasons, of course.

komui/krory, krory makes the world go round~, totemo jadeth and karro again~, d.gray-man

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