Ayame's Sexy Revenge (NC-17, PWP, Hatoyame)

May 06, 2007 18:04

Title: Ayame's Sexy Revenge
Series: Fruits Basket
Pairing: Hatoyame
Genre: PWP, smut
Rating: NC-17 
A/N: FOR MYSELF, DAMMIT. Because I always wanted to make a PWP. I think I still failed seeing as it has so many words... o___o;;; BUT OH WELL. For
karro , a little. But not really. XD And
speaky_bean too XD Not beta-ed for the sex, since I grew tired of beta-ing halfway through XDD;;;; ALAS.

Ayame’s Sexy Revenge

Hatori would pay.

Ayame didn’t often have rancorous thoughts, but this time Hatori had done the cruellest, most unforgivable thing Ayame was sure to exist on this planet. No! The galaxy!

“Haa-san, I can’t believed you walked out on sex with the amazing Ayame!” Shigure tried to console Ayame as they lay huddled together on Ayame’s king-size bed (the bed should be fit for royalty should Ayame deem it worthy of cushioning his weight), swapping stories over their recent amorous experiences. Aside for teenage hormones, Shigure did it for research for his stories, whereas Ayame did it for the warmth. Neither of them had really expected Hatori to accept their behaviour, let alone allow himself to be pulled in. Ayame thought it was a good thing for Hatori to accept feelings of love and affection and sex in his system, plus Ayame got to learn more about their serious - often mistaken for boring- cousin.

“It was truly awful, and it simply makes no sense! We were so close to consummating our wonderful friendship and lifting it to a whole new level, and then he suddenly said ‘I’m bored’ in his monotone voice, and he walked out! Honestly Gure-san, am I that boring? Am I?” Ayame’s voice bordered on hysteria at the end, his hands clutching at Shigure’s sleeves.

“Oi, Aya… you’re not boring at all! I wish you gave me the chance, I’m sure you would provide me with lots of inspiration for my fantasies… er, stories!” Shigure smirked at his cousin, who smirked right back.

“You know a triangle relationship would make everything so complicated! So for now, I will devote myself solely to Tori-san!”

“Haven’t you already? I mean, I haven’t even seen you exchanging notes in class once recently, let alone have sex…” Shigure mock-pouted. “Aya, you must be so bored by now!”

Ayame slumped against Shigure, whining pitifully. “It’s true! Gure-san, I am not used to rejection!”

“And you shouldn’t have to, Aya. Don’t worry, we’ll find a way to make him yours!”


“Haa-san, Ayame’s having a party to celebrate his loss of virginity!”

Hatori gave Shigure a blank stare. When Shigure’s grin didn’t fade from his cousin’s face, he lifted a single eyebrow. “…Virginity?” Ayame and virginity were such polar opposites that it was almost sacrilegy to place them in the same sentence together.

“Well, like a spiritual virginity, I suppose!” Shigure laughed, his laugh lower now than it had been just a few months before. There was something infinitely disturbing in Shigure growing up, and the adult-like laugh sounded more perverted than ever.

Hatori simply raised his other eyebrow in response.

“Haa-san, don’t you know what that means? It means that Aya finally found someone he truly, truly loves! He’s very happy about it, too! I guess it’s good that you chose not to have sex with him after all!” Shigure raised an accusing eyebrow at his best friend.

“…Y-You knew?” Shigure smiled - it was rare to catch Hatori off-guard.

“Of course I knew, Haa-san! You know Aya and me are the best sex friends, since you have yet to join us!”

“…Sex friends.” Hatori already felt a headache coming up, and bent his head, feeling both annoyed and mortified at Ayame actually discussing their… strange situation with Shigure. Who would probably write about it too, in the school newspaper. Kami-sama help him.

“Well, we haven’t really had sex yet, but… now that Aya’s off the market, what do you say to us having sex?”

Hatori blanched. Shigure had put it like he was inquiring about tomorrow’s weather. Still, he’d learned that the direct approach was the easiest with his cousins, since if he offered a simple shadow of a doubt, they’d see it as a challenge. “…No.”

Shigure smirked. Well, it couldn’t hurt to try. Hatori was growing up with a face the type of a stern school instructor. His hair, still immaculate, was now covering his eyebrows, and his icy blue eyes revealed nothing but annoyance or, only sometimes, mild-tempered amusement. Nothing would please Shigure more than to make the man into a kinky stern school instructor, dark hair shaggy and slightly damp and the same frozen eyes burning with a fierce passion over silken sheets... It certainly was a good option for the next school play.

Shigure’s train of thought was broken off by Hatori, who had already seen all sorts of ominous expressions cross Shigure’s face. “No, Shigure.”

“Fine, fine! But anyhow, for Ayame’s party, you have to be at Ayame’s place by nine, and here, I already brought a gift you could give to him!” Shigure pushed a package into Hatori’s hands, wrapped in questionable paper covered with pink ribbons and small ducks. Shigure then moved, probably to find other victims/guests for the party. If Shigure wanted to invite everyone Ayame had been slightly intimate with, Hatori didn’t quite know whether he would even want to be there.

“Shigure.” Shigure turned around, smirking slightly evilly to Hatori.

“Yeees, Haa-san?” He batted his eyelashes.

“What’s the gift?” Hatori remained unaffected by Shigure’s obviously forced adorability.

“Something that will definitely make up for you ditching him during sex!”

While Hatori remained frozen in mortification, Shigure hurried over to his next victim.


Hatori looked around him, the mass of people all dancing with each other sweaty, grinding motions. Obviously his cousins’ crowd, he thought wryly. Hatori hadn’t felt so out of place in a long time. Shigure and Ayame on a daily basis was annoying enough as it was, but this… it was like being drowned in a sea of insanity. Sexual insanity at that.

Hatori cursed himself for ever being persuaded by his - admittedly very persuasive - cousin into trying… it. Logically, Ayame had been the best choice. He was attractive enough, hair long as that of a woman, with a body thin enough to be feminine, although he obviously missed the right curves. Ayame had also been the most obvious choice as he already knew about the family and everything it entailed. And out of the two cousins, Ayame was probably the least complicated… Shigure would use it for blackmail material to infinity.

But now… had Ayame really found someone to love? Hatori was happy for him, or should be happy for him, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly offended that he’d found someone so quickly after he had shared some frenzied kisses with the light-haired man, and had just been about to…

He would have, too, had Ayame not insisted on talking as much - if not more than usual - during the heavy petting.

Hatori scowled, before daring to venture into the mass to try and locate Ayame and his new love.


After more than a few drinks, Shigure deemed Hatori ready to meet up with Ayame. Clutching the ridiculous present which Hatori was sure was something entirely inappropriate, Hatori walked, stumbling only slightly, towards the direction Shigure guided him to.

Shigure hid his smirk behind his hand. As predicted, this was as easy as luring a moth to a flame, even if said moth claimed to be very unwilling.

Slowly, making sure Hatori wouldn’t stumble - the man couldn’t hold his liquor, that was for sure - he guided him to Ayame’s bedroom.

Hatori frowned as he finally noticed where Shigure was leading him, but Shigure had already pushed him inside before he could complain. Shigure’s laugh - truly frightening this time - echoed through the hall, ringing in Hatori’s ears before it was joined by Ayame’s.

Hatori couldn’t help but stare at his cousin in front of him, gloriously naked. The man was probably proud of it too, as he sat there perched like some sort of centrefold model Hatori would deny any ever having spied at.

Still visibly amused, Ayame walked over to Hatori and took the gift from his cousin’s hands. “Thank you, Tori-san! I hadn’t expected you to even show up, after how horribly unjust you acted to me before…” He hung his head sadly.

Hatori stared at his cousin incredulously. “Guilt-tripping doesn’t become you, Ayame. You should leave that to Shigure,” Hatori said after he had recovered from the shock of seeing Ayame naked. For such a long duration. When Ayame was acting like nothing was amiss, least of all clothes.

Ayame grinned. “Sure, Tori-san!” He was far too involved with unwrapping his gift to complain.

Hatori was almost as curious as Ayame to see what the present was. Hatori didn’t have to wait long to find out, as Ayame was shredding the paper vigorously. The light-haired man was visibly surprised to find a red dildo inside, and he looked up at Hatori’s face with a shocked expression.

In any other situation, Hatori might have been surprised and even a bit proud that he was able to reduce his overly talkative cousin to silence, but now he was possibly more mortified than Ayame was. When Ayame’s surprised look turned into a cheerful smile, Hatori was sure he was more mortified.

“Tori-san, you’re so sweet! Is this your way of telling me you want to try it again, and you were just nervous the last time and then said that you were bored, but you didn’t mean to make me feel bad so you’re coming here with this wonderful, precious gift? I will name it Tori-san, of course, so I will always be reminded of you whenever I use it! And I will use it often, because Tori-san is so sweet to care so much about my feelings! But of course, you should know better than that, because my feelings are not so easily hurt… but we can work on your knowledge of my wonderful self during magnificent sex, for it would be magnificent with me!”

Hatori had grown from mortified to positively frightened during the course of Ayame’s tirade. He cleared his throat before saying “Ayame, I was under the impression that you had found yourself someone new…”

Ayame stopped mid-rant, looking at him with wide eyes. “Someone new? Tori-san, I would never betray you like that! Of course I wouldn’t do that before we had atleast consummated our friendship, and if you turned out to be thoroughly bad at it even though you’d have the most wonderful teacher, then I would kindly send you to someone else, because I am obviously a very caring and kind individual! Tori-san, how little you know me!”

“But Shigure said…” He paused. Ah, there was the cause. Obviously. Hatori massaged his temples, cursing himself inwardly for not understanding his sneaky cousin’s plot sooner.

Ayame grinned. “I was already wondering why Shigure had thrown me a wonderful party, yet forbade me - the guest of honour!- from entering it…” He laughed loudly, tugging on Hatori’s hand. Still under the influence of the shots Shigure had forced down his throat, Hatori stumbled into Ayame’s verymuchnaked lap head-first. This only brought Ayame’s laugh volume up. “Tori-san, I understand why you would feel guilty, and truthfully, I was quite offended for some time, but you don’t have to do that just now! Foreplay is fun as well, you know!”

Hatori hauled himself up, frowning in annoyance. “Be quiet.”

Ayame gasped, mock-hurt ready to appear on his features before Hatori kissed him roughly and effectively shut him up. Whether it was the alcohol or just wanting Ayame to be quiet, he didn’t know, but suddenly kissing Ayame and more didn’t seem like such a horrible thing anymore. Even if he was tricked into it.

Hatori made sure Ayame was thoroughly kissed most of the times before he felt hands quickly unbutton his shirt. He withdrew, suddenly nervous, but Ayame only smiled and reached up to grab a strand of his hair, pulling him down again. “Tori-san, you’re so shy! That’s so… adorable, like an unexpected treasure! However, not to worry, because I will be like a noble knight an-“ He was cut off by Hatori’s lips again before he could continue, and for once Ayame didn’t mind being interrupted because Hatori had finished undressing himself and was throwing the upper garment somewhere in his room, away from the bed.

The feeling of naked skin against his own drove Hatori unexpectedly wild, Ayame’s light skin much softer and warmer than he’d anticipated it being. He felt Ayame’s chest rising against his own in rapid movements in synch with the fast breaths blown through the lips brushing over his. Hesitatingly, he moved his hands over Ayame’s pectoral muscles, rubbing over them lightly. Ayame arched into the touch, his arms wrapping around Hatori’s chest to bring them closer together. “M-more, I want more… I need more… Tori-san!”

Hatori wasn’t deterred by Ayame’s whispers this time as he felt a strange sensation quickly pooling from his stomach to his groin, and he didn’t want to stop now. Clinically, he knew what was about to happen, but it felt so different with someone else than by his own hand that it threw him off a little. “Ah… Ayame… hnn…” He quickly unzipped his trousers just as he would when he was alone, reaching in to touch himself.

When another hand joined his, he couldn’t help but raise his head, looking at Ayame in surprise and lust.

“Tsk, Tori-san, you can’t do it yourself, what would that say about me? I would lose my reputation!” Smiling coyly, Ayame fondled the head, his other hand stopping to rub over Hatori’s back reassuringly to help Hatori pull down the trousers hindering his movements.

When Ayame used his two hands to cover his entire length, Hatori let out a breathy gasp. “Y-yes…” He rested his hands on Ayame’s shoulder, his forehead against Ayame’s. He caught the glint in Ayame’s eyes but it was easily forgotten when Ayame started jerking him off.

“Harder,” he whispered hoarsely when Ayame’s touch was a bit too tender for his desire. When Ayame complied, he started panting. “F-faster…” All thoughts of control and pride forgotten, he thrust into Ayame’s hands shamefully. Hatori moved his head to rest it into Ayame’s shoulder, kissing and biting the other’s neck in pure desperation not to cry out.

“It’s okay, Tori-san,” he heard, the voice above somewhat unrecognisable as Ayame’s because of the lust clouding it. “I won’t… abandon you…”

With a few more thrusts, Hatori arched against Ayame in utter bliss, his head painfully colliding with Ayame’s chin which he only registered moments later, when the room stopped spinning around him.

He was still panting as he rubbed his forehead, then vaguely remembering that Ayame must hurt too and looked over to see the man brushing a vaguely red mark on his chin. Hatori crawled over on hands and knees, not quite knowing what possessed him when he kissed Ayame’s chin softly as he buried his hands into Ayame’s long tresses.

Hatori felt Ayame relax against him. And seconds later, felt the other hump against his leg, something so undignified that Hatori was sure Ayame was quite as desperate as he had been a few moments ago. However, when he moved his hands to Ayame’s red erection, it was reluctantly moved away. “N-no… I want more, Tori-san.”

Hatori felt doubtful, to say the least. Anal sex was said to be highly dangerous to the receiver, and with Ayame’s plentiful partners before this, the chance of disease was not all that unlikely.

Ayame seemed to notice his reluctance and handed him a jar of lube and a pack of condoms from his nightstand. He crossed his legs, playing faintly with his own arousal as he waited for Hatori to make up his mind. “It doesn’t have to be love, Tori-san… sex is healthy, you of all people should know it, mister I want to be a doctor!” He smirked playfully, though the effect was slightly lost because the man was still panting slightly.

Hatori stared at the flushed face of his cousin and figured that he might as well do it now, so that Ayame wouldn’t complain about it to infinity later, plus he was still slightly drunk. He took the wrapped and was vaguely relieved as well as mortified that he’d need help with it. When the condom was in place, he moved closer to Ayame again, his body all too happy to respond when he brushed over the now-familiar lips once again, tongue meeting tongue.

“Tori-san…” Ayame breathed into the kiss, the movement reverberating against Hatori’s own and sending shivers down his spine. Then, Ayame guided his hand to the jar of lubricant, pushing his fingers into the cold ointment. Ayame pulled back from the kiss slightly. “It’s strawberry-scented…” he said with a smile, like it was the world’s funniest joke. Hatori found it deeply unnecessary to stop the kiss for these words and planted his lips right back onto Ayame’s.

Not willing to give Hatori any time to hesitate, he quickly guided Hatori’s slicked fingers to his entrance before thrusting down upon the fingers.

Hatori pulled back quickly, startled at Ayame’s eagerness. Upon seeing Ayame’s desperate face, he moved his fingers back in, scissoring him.

Ayame was almost writhing in his hands, the flushed face resting against his shoulder, his ass high up in the air to make Hatori’s job as easy as possible. “P-please…” he whispered into the other’s ear, the hands clutching Hatori’s sides tightening their grasp.

Still a little unsure about this whole situation, but his head clouded enough from the alcohol and hormones raging through his body to not care too much, he pushed Ayame down, lying on his back before penetrating him in short, brief thrusts.

Ayame’s reaction was instantaneous- he wrapped his arms around Hatori’s neck and pulled them as close as possible, thrusting back into Hatori’s penis and then forward against Hatori’s body. He screamed loudly, and Hatori could only hope the party was still as loud as previously, so that nobody would hear Ayame - or rather himself, as he couldn’t stop a loud groan when such an unbearable tightness was enveloping him.

He sensed his body wouldn’t last much longer and thrust into Ayame without abandon, each thrust harder and needier than the previous. Ayame keened when Hatori had finally found that spot inside of him, and placed both hands on Hatori’s ass. “Keep… doing that. Issgood, Tori-san…Ah!” When Hatori brushed the spot again, not to see the look on Ayame’s face contort, but to shut him up again, the dark-haired man smirked through his grunts.

“Am going to… come…” Hatori groaned, bending over to place sloppy kisses over Ayame’s face. Ayame simply nodded, wrapping his legs around Hatori’s waist as he forced Hatori in impossibly deeper, before coming himself with a voiceless scream, closing his eyes against the sudden brightness of the room.

Hatori came almost immediately after that, the tightening around his cock too much to stand. Gasping, hips still moving slightly, he pulled out before slumping half atop of Ayame, half aside him.

Ayame recovered fastest of the two and relieved Hatori of the used condom, his bare feet pattering over the hardwood floors as he went in search of a bin. Hatori looked at the pale figure as it paraded shamelessly around the room, his body still covered in ejaculation.

When Ayame came to rest next to him again, he raised one eyebrow and handed Ayame the covers, staring pointedly at his torso. Ayame grinned, cleaned himself up, and crawled into the warm body on his bed.

In the silence that followed, the two friends-turned-lovers lay peacefully against each other, resting comfortably into each other’s warmth.

“You just did the most incredibly nice thing, Tori-san, doing that when you didn’t really want to,” Ayame said, his voice unnaturally peaceful and sated in a way Hatori had never heard it.

Hatori shrugged. “I wanted to… at the end… You’re worth it, too.” And Ayame was, in a weird way. He had never intended for it to go this far, but wasn’t particularly mournful that it had, even if he would probably very confused in the morning.

Ayame chuckled lazily, draping one arm over Hatori’s chest as he fondled a nipple. Hatori slapped it away, producing only more giggles. “I know. I’m just happy you see it too.” Ayame looked quite proud of the fact that he alone could have made Hatori do this.

“Shut up.”

Ayame brushed over the nipple again. “Find a way to make me, Tori-san…” he said in a suggestive tone, as he took the red present Hatori had given him, and placed it on Hatori’s chest.

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