Do You Take What's His Name To Be Your Husband?

Mar 08, 2008 20:27

I found this on AOL, ya know, the website that used to be like, well, it doesn't really exist anymore, whatever, point is, I found this there, and I found, hilarious, yet misleading. And I'll tell you why.

Ladies, if you want the most help with the housework and other chores, don't marry your boyfriend.
That's the word from a sociologist at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who determined that married men do less housework than live-in boyfriends. "Marriage as an institution seems to have a traditionalizing effect on couples -- even couples who see men and women as equal," co-researcher Shannon Davis told
The George Mason researchers analyzed data gathered in 2002 from 28 countries and 17,636 men and women as part of the Family and Changing Gender Roles III Survey. Everyone who responded was either married or cohabiting with a significant other.
On average, the men spent nine hours a week on housework, compared with the 20 hours women spent. "There's still a gender norm, since women do more housework than men regardless of union type," study team member Jennifer Gerteisen Marks, who is working on a doctorate degree at North Carolina State University, told
But no matter what the couple earned or how many hours they each worked outside the home, cohabiting males reported doing more hours of housework than married men, while the opposite was true for women.
Money does make a difference in one way. When a man earns more than his wife or girlfriend, he tends to do less housework than men with lower relative incomes. "Those in the household with greater resources will leverage those resources to bargain their way out of housework," the authors write in the Journal of Family Issues.
But those who view themselves as equals in a relationship tend to divide the chores equally as well; however, even in these egalitarian households, wives do more housework than husbands.

So, pretty much, be a swinger.
That's what it's telling us to do. Look, I'm pretty sure just because Bill Gates makes more than his wife, he still does the laundry and cookes dinner. Bad example, because they probably actually have people to do that shit FOR THEM. Okay, here's a different example. Brittany Spears married Kevin Federline. Her net worth was WAAAAAAY more than his. He was only worth ANYTHING because he was married to her. HOWEVER, the article says that just because men make more money, they tend to do less housework. Is that true for women too? Did Brittany ever do any housework? This entire thing is bullshit, it's pretty much telling us to never get married, which means never repopulate, which means our race and species would die. Well, teen girls would still get pregnant, but whatever. Point is, STUPID.

I'm not gonna just marry some random chick. I'm happy with who I'm with. And we ARE getting married. So wait article, am I supposed to just, ya know, go, "Hey, listen, we've been goin' out for about, 6 years now, we get along perfect, no fights the entire time, and you love me and I love you like there's no tomorrow. But for us, there really IS no tomorrow. Listen, things are TOO good, I can't spend the rest of my life with someone who doesn't wanna throw a vase at me eventually."
It's like, let me stick around here for 4 or 5 years and let's end this thing violently, I'll smack her, she'll throw the vase at me, then I'll go to work and make more money, and she'll stay at home and clean up. I can't marry someone I can get along with, that's crazy talk! How dare they assume people get married to people they love!

Just look at yer parents.

If that's not enough proof right there, I don't know what is. And for the record, I'm pretty sure that live-in boyfriends who make money, are gonna do the exact amount of no housework as a HUSBAND who makes no money. The only arguement that can be made AGAINST my logic right there, is that the live-in boyfriend will be scared of being kicked out and broken up with that he'll pretend that he cares about housework and do some, but that's the ONLY arguement.

Ya also gotta go with the folks who meet on matchmaking sites. Those sorta sites, ya know? 'Cause, right there, I mean come on man, how do those people become interested in someone else on there? Read their profile, is all like, "Oh my god, she loves "Boogie Nights" just as much as I do! Oh, I could TOTALLY date THIS chick!"
I think the best couple ever would have to be a gay couple, like, 2 guys or 2 chicks. Because they say guys are always thinking about sex, if a guy and girl wanna have sex, then there's sometimes problems. Sometimes the girl isn't into it at the moment and the guy gets mad, but with a gay couple, just 2 guys, constantly thinking about sex. That's gotta be the best sex life ever. It almost makes me wanna try it. 2 girls is good too, they always wanna talk about feelings, they'll have the most open honest relationship in the world.

And moving onto teen relationships. Well, sorry to tell ya 12-16 years old, but they don't exist. It's called lust or obssesion, you just really wanna be with someone.
"But mom, all the other girls are deepthroating, I just wanted to be popular!"

The internet is NOT the right place to find a gf/bf/husband/wife or date. Or relationship advice for that matter. Unless, clearly, it's from me. Ah yes, the internet. Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.

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