The Chinese: They Can Cook. Illustrate & Run The 100 Yard Dash

Mar 13, 2008 08:04

Apparently, and this is me saying that I figured it was only a matter of time, a javeline in the olympics IS considered a terrorist weapon.
Terrorists, a group specifically called XinJiang (yingyang I'm assuming) attempted to take down the chinese olympics. First, let me just start off by asking, before we dive into the article snippet, how do terrorists come up with their names? Is it like a band name? Ya know, they just sit around until they come up with something that sounds cool. Like Chainsaw Rape. Hardcore emo band. You know you would listen to a band called Chainsaw Rape. But how do these terrorists do it, is it like that? Honestly? Because in actuality, and all fairness, it HAS to be the most difficult part of their job. They call up all their friends, leaving messages on their machines:
"Hey Ted, so uh, we're puttin' together a terrorist group, and we need you to come up with the name, I'm getting the members together, and Frank is making the bombs, Steve is choosing our locations that we're gonna hit, so you actually have the easiest job."
Ted has the HARDEST job! Well here's the article.

BEIJING - Chinese police killed alleged terrorists plotting to attack the Beijing Olympics, while a flight crew managed to prevent an apparent attempt to crash a Chinese jetliner in a separate case just last week, officials said Sunday.
Wang Lequan, the top Communist Party official in the western region of Xinjiang, said materials seized in a January raid in the regional capital, Urumqi, had described a plot with a purpose "specifically to sabotage the staging of the Beijing Olympics."
"Their goal was very clear," Wang told reporters in Beijing.
Wang cited no other evidence and earlier reports on the raid had made no mention of Olympic targets.
Speaking at the same meeting, Xinjiang's governor said a flight crew prevented an apparent attempt to crash a China Southern flight from Urumqi on Friday. Nur Bekri did not specifically label the incident a terrorist act, saying it remained under investigation. No passengers were injured and police were investigating, he said. China has ratcheted up anti-terror preparations ahead of the August Games, with the nation's top police official last year labeling terrorism the biggest threat facing the event.
Police found guns, homemade bombs, training materials and "extremist religious ideological materials" during the Jan. 27 raid in Urumqi, in which two members of the gang were killed and 15 arrested, according to earlier reports. Wang said security forces would take pro-active measures to crush terrorism, religious extremism, and separatism.
"These guys are fantasizing if they think they can disrupt the Olympics," said Wang, known for his hardline stance on crushing dissent. "They don't have the strength."

My favorite part of that article has gotta be the very last sentance (last sentance that I put into the snippet, there's actually more to the article). My favorite part HAS to be, without a doubt, that last sentence.
"These guys are fantasizing if they think they can disrupt the Olympics," said Wang, known for his hardline stance on crushing dissent. "They don't have the strength."
There. Right there. Basically saying that the Olympics is some sort of beast, like it's the fuckin' CloverField monster or Godzilla or some shit, right? Like, it's so powerful they can't take it out. The Olympic javaline throwers could just toss their sticks at the planes and hopefully take them down before they release their bombs. It's like, "Unfortunatly, the Olympics doesn't have the power to control terrorist activity and keep our country safe" as if to say-YET-ya know, they don't control everything, YET.
I also love the fact that these are cheap fuckin' terrorists too, ya know? Like, okay, they were found with homemade bombs. HOMEMADE. These are terrorists who basically printed the instructions of how to make bombs off and made theirs. How in the hell did they ever get to the plane when they can't even afford a fuckin' couple hundred bombs?!

You know for a fact though, that through all of this, these were the fat kids in PE who never got picked in softball. Read this sentence again.
Wang Lequan, the top Communist Party official in the western region of Xinjiang, said materials seized in a January raid in the regional capital, Urumqi, had described a plot with a purpose "specifically to sabotage the staging of the Beijing Olympics."
Their plot with the purpose of specifically sabotaging the staging of the Beijing Olympics.
"Alright, these guys gave us wedgies, shoved our heads in toilets, and never picked us for dodgeball, IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE!" That's what sad is that's the 2000 human idea. Back in the 60-70's it was if something didn't work for us, we would do drugs and get relaxed, the 80's was the disco era, need I say what people did in order to relax? The 90's was the touchy-feely era where everybody cared about feelings. That's how they solved their problems, they talked them out. But now-a-days, in this 2000 day and age, the only idea people can come up with to fix their problems:

I'm torn, because on the one hand, this makes me really depressed that this is what our world has come to.
On the other hand, I love it 'cause it makes me laugh hysterically.

Then there's the that weird third hand that makes me scared because I know I'm going to Hell.

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