Rap Doesn't Kill People, Rap ARTISTS Do

Mar 04, 2008 09:48

So, I havn't been updating much 'cause I keep a daily blog now. Point is, this journal is possibly coming to an end, I won't delete it, I just won't update as much anymore. But it's still all pretty up in the air.

Anyway, here's an article that surprised the shit outta me.

ATLANTA (March 1) - The rap star Juvenile is "shocked and devastated" by the shooting death of his young daughter, the girl's mother and another child, his manager said Saturday.
The 32-year-old rapper is still trying to cope with the death of 4-year-old Jelani; her mother, 39-year-old Joy Deleston; and the woman's daughter Micaiah, 11, whose bodies were found Thursday night in their home, said manager Aubrey Francis.
"It really shocked him and devastated him to the point where I've never seen him before," Francis said. "Right now he is relaxing and trying to grasp everything of what has happened."

I'm just gonna start taking the most important or interesting bits of the articles I read, 'cause taking the whole damn thing just seems retarded. What amazed me about this article, is here is a rapper, who's daughter, ex-wife I assume, and other child having just been killed, is "SHOCKED". Let me relate something to you. My grandparents were murdered, here's an article, just one out of the millions.

The Jewish community in the West Valley and surrounding areas was rocked Feb. 5 by the murder of William and Bertha Lasky, former members of Temple Solael. The elderly couple died in their West Hills home from cuts and stab wounds, victims of an unknown intruder.
According to Detective David Lambkin of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), firefighters responded to a call from a monitored fire alarm system in the house and found the bodies in the master bedroom and several areas of the house set ablaze. The time of the couple’s death and other details of the crime have not been released, and autopsy results have been sealed pending further investigation. Lambkin said that police have established that Bertha went shopping on Sunday and that family members had been in contact with her in the early afternoon.
Lambkin said the motive for the killings is still unknown.
"We have no evidence at this point that it was a follow-home [murder]," the detective said. "They didn’t drive a Lexus or Mercedes like you expect to find in a follow-home, but we have not ruled it out. Right now, without any witnesses we’re processing the forensic evidence and following up on anyone connected with the family who might be able to identify a suspect."

My grandparents were brutally murdered, I saw their bodies, it was gnarly. The amazing thing to me, is okay, here I am, with my little sister, older brother (little by one year, older by one year, and we were all probably about 13 at the oldest) when we get a phone call this has happened. We're small children, these are our grandparents, let alone my cousin who saw her grandparents every day and was actually with them the day it happened. She's alive, not gonna get into that. Point is, we were all so young when this happened, and I know for a fact it screwed some people up a little. Specifically my cousins mother. And then ya get this rapper who's "SHOCKED" that his daughter and some old hag and other kid who ain't even his are killed? Wait, a RAPPER is shocked that there was a murder? Rappers are the CAUSE of alot of murders! I know, you're gonna be all like, "No they're not!" Well, back when some murders were caused in the ninties, they blamed heavy metal (IE: Judas Priest Incident) and now they blame rap. I'm not saying rap is the cause of 9/11, alright? That's not what I'm sayin'. But you can't deny the danger and harm it causes in communities. Now granted, maybe this guy didn't do that kind of rap. But what the other kind of fuckin' rap IS THERE?!

It just bugs me that people feel bad for some guy who loses a 4 year old daughter in a murder, when his career is a cause of murder in general, and then you hear stories like mine about my grandparents and do we get any fucking sympathy? NO.

That's the fuckin' justice system for ya.

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