Chuck E. Cheese....There's No Raffles

Nov 24, 2005 01:03

So, tonight was call backs for Miss Firecracker Contest. They went really well. I thought almost everyone gave a good read. There were a few who it seemed still didn't have a grasp of what the characters were like. But, all in all, whomever he casts, this will be a good show.

I felt I did a good job. I also feel that I have a good chance at one role, if he casts either of two people in one of the female roles. Mainly because I know the chemistry we have in reading works. I have felt it as the words flowed smoothly from us. I am not claiming to HAVE a role. There were others who gave great readings as well.

I would like to work this show, even if not cast. I'd love the opportunity to be an assistant stage manager. This will give me the experience needed to possibly be the actual stage manager for another show down the road. Pam has stated she'd like me to stage manage for her someday. She thinks I have a knack for it. I just do what feels right. I look at things from an actors point of view. If I were the actor onstage, how would I feel if something was offset? It's a basic knowledge of the surroundings. This is why it's good to get experience in all aspects of the theater. You begin to understand from all aspects.

Now, we are waiting to find out the cast. We'll get called on Turkey Day.
"Yippeee...I'll have more pie to celebrate being in the show!"
"Doh! I'll just drown my sorrows in these mashed potatoes and gravy."

By the by, if I don't see you or talk at you before you do what you're gonna do..........
Happy Fuck Over The Native Americans Day!
"Thank you for the most excellent food. Here have a blanket with disease all over it. Fun for the whole family."

Moral of the Story: Martha Washington Was A Hip, Hip, Hip Lady.
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