Jun 05, 2007 09:45
This whole not having my own computer thing, is really starting to get to me... I guess there's like really no way to update all the insanity that has been my life... I just wanted to say sorry. Sorry to anyone who still cares and would like to hear from me, and never does... LJ isn't exactly working with the whole keeping me in touch with loved ones thing... so if you're my friend (which most likely you are, or you wouldn't be on my friend's list) then please just email me... let me know you wanna talk, I can then answer your mail faster, or give you a number to reach me at... at this point, I don't know what else to do. I'm starting to lose touch with too many people, and it's really starting to bug me. I know I kinda hermited myself there for a little bit, but it's mainly not having the resources to stay in touch with some. But I miss and love you all... and I hope you know my email... if not, comment me, I'll break down and hand it out, and just weed through all the crazies that stumble upon my journal and try to write me. *Weird side note... could you imagine if you won the lottery, all the junk mail and calls from "Your distant nephews 2nd cousin's best friend from 5th grade's mother's brother's uncle's best friend of a friend from Russia... Hey, how you doin' Cola, miss you... remember me?" God that would just suck, huh... too bad I didn't win the lottery, yet... shucks*
Okay, that was random... I know... I can't help it, I try to stay on task, and just write what I gotta say, but then I have these weird thoughts... and bam... Cola's gone into another dimension. Hmm... In any case, I do want to try and reknit those broken bonds, or whatever... so please, give me another chance. I'm trying here... things have just been... yeah... hectic.
In any case, I am still relatively happy (at least relationship wise, if nothing else, but you gotta have something to live for, right?) and relatively healthy... but we'll find out soon, since my insurance finally kicked in and my ass is going to 50 billion doctor's appointments to find out if anything is wrong. Woohoo. Family stuff sucks right now, but yeah what the hell. Job- some days yeah, some days nays. Um... oh, the count is up to ::drum roll::
Mannon, Nemean, Tira, Pika, Fetch, Isis, Pandora, Huck-a-berry, Squirt, Malakai, Lexie... and 2 snails yet to be named... okay, some of them don't "really" count because they're so low maintenance (like the snails yet to be named) but still... count 'em... 5 CATS!!! 2 FERRETTS!!! 2 HAMSTERS!!! 1 FISH!!! 1 TURLTE!!! 2 SNAILS!!! 5+2+2+1+1+2= 13!!! (15 mouths to feed under one roof, counting Amber and myself.) All that's missing is a partridge in a pear tree. Christmas is getting more expensive as we speak. LOL... but I love all my babies. Malakai and Lexie are the newest addition, 2 rescued kittens, only about 5-8 weeks old... and God, they're a handful... I forget sometimes, my cats are a lot to deal with, but kittens still top 'em all. Hmm... maybe eventually I'll get pictures straightened out and post them all over the web "Cola the Dyke, and her Happy, Homo Family." Yeah... I've really gone overboard for someone who was just going to write and say sowwy I disappeared... but I'll leave it here, anything I left out, will eventually be known to all who want to know bad enough to write me. :) That is all. I need to go eat... it's too early for me to be up, my tummy doesn't like it. Grumble. Goodbye. ~CoLa~