(no subject)

Sep 26, 2012 05:10

Title: Bleed Well
Author: villianophelian
Rating: PG to R in later chapters
Pairing: VAM, eventually
Summary: Ville Valo is tired of living after a hundred years as a vampire. Deciding to finally get answers to his questions about life’s possibilities (and maybe raise more questions), he sets off for another country. Is it possible to be anything other than what he thought he was?
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters mentioned.
Genre: AU
Author's Notes: So I felt bad about the previous chapter and decided to make a mini update.

Ville peeked over the edge of the bed.

When he had woken up first it didn’t take long for him to remember where he was. The warm temperature and blue walls made memories of last night come flooding back. It had all felt like a dream. A really wonderful dream, simple as it may be. The vampire looked at the teenage boy who was sprawled out on the floor, his head resting on a pillow and one leg kicked underneath the bed. He looked comfortable with his mouth hanging open, completely unaware that he was being spied on by a being that was only heard of in myths. The thought made Ville feel creepy but he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of him. Bam was breathing in deeply, his heartbeat at a steady pace. He looked so warm, and soft. The raven haired man curiously wondered what it’d be like to touch someone’s skin without killing them-to savour it instead. Deciding that thinking those things was really unfair to the teenager, he rolled over and huddled deeper into the blanket. Even then though, Bam’s scent was overcoming his senses. The whole room smelled like him. It was a good smell. It made Ville feel at home.

Interrupting his thoughts, a loud yawn sounded from the floor. “Mm... Ville? You awake?” Bam croaked out as he sat up. The vampire pretended to just be waking up as well as he stretched and nodded. The skater rubbed his eyes and blinked at him. “Good. We should go get some breakfast. I dunno what I’m gonna tell Ape yet though.” He thought for a moment before a sudden realization hit. “Oh shit I forgot about the guys. They’ll be coming to get me! Fuck...” The raven haired man smiled at him with assurance. “Maybe... Maybe when you tell your mother about me, you can tell them too.” He said quietly. Bam looked at him with wide eyes. “You mean it? You don’t mind? What about your um, home?” He hadn’t thought about that. “I’ll figure it out later...”

“We’ll figure it out later.” Bam replied, giving his friend a confident smile. “But first, breakfast! I smell... Eggs and bacon! You should meet Ape. She’s a better cook than me. “He seemed to jump up at the prospect of food “But everyone is.” He added, combing his hand through his hair before reaching out to Ville and ignoring his apology from last night. The vampire took his hand hesitantly. He hoped Bam wouldn’t notice the coldness of it. Luckily for him his host didn’t want to mention it, instead thinking that he should’ve given the man another blanket.

“When did you get home, and who’s your friend?” a blonde woman asked, turning from chopping up a tomato. Bam grinned cheekily and motioned for Ville to come out from his place in the doorway. “This is Ville.” He waited until April raised an eyebrow as she clearly wanted more answers “Um, lastnight, he’s homeless and I found him in a haunted house.” Ville looked taken aback at his friend’s bluntness while Bam’s mothers jaw dropped. “What?! You just brought him here in the middle of the night? What were you thinking?! Why were you out so late, I thought you were at your girlfriends??” her son rolled his eyes thus making her angrier. The vampire felt himself slouch back into the doorway. Should he run before they throw him out? Possibly.

Before Ville had a chance to put action to his thoughts he heard Bam’s laugh. How he could laugh in this situation was beyond him. “I got dared to, me and Jenn broke up like a week ago, and he’s harmless Ape. He needed help, I couldn’t just leave him out there in the snow alone.” He watched as his mother sighed “Besides, he’s cool.” The vampire bit his lip. The teenager thought he was cool? ‘Well, that was, rad?’ He questioned how outdated that phrase was. Soon he noticed the blonde lady had a sympathetic look on her face as she walked over. Ville held out his hand awkwardly. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ville. I’m sorry about coming in, when your son offered someplace warm for the night it was a bit hard to refuse...” he rambled on for a minute as Ape shook his hand. “You are chilled to the bone!” Pinching at his stomach she nodded “Well, alright. He needs a good feeding anyways. But bring anymore strangers into this house Bam and you are grounded! You hear?” she narrowed her eyes at the teenager as he waved with a mumbled ‘yeah’ and searched for the food. Well, atleast she managed to get him to agree to not do at least one of the things he had done wrong. Can't blame a mother for trying. She sighed “Please have a seat. I’m April, feel free to call me Ape as everyone else does.” Ville nodded politely. He could hardly believe he was in. He tried to ignore the feeling of being a wolf in grandma’s pyjamas. After all nothing bad could come from this.


vam vampire bleed well

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