Rec-a-weekend 2015 | Week 2

Jan 11, 2015 14:22

Title: Visiting Rights
Author: GrayJay
Fandom: Marvel 616 (X-Men)
Characters/Pairings: Emma Frost/Scott Summers
Summary: Scott's mind is a Winchester House of false doors and dead ends, deadfalls and secret passages built on and over and through each other.
Wordcount: 1.664
Why it's awesome: I don't read a lot of X-Men fanfic even though it is one of my oldest loves, simple because it's hard for me to find something that I actually want to read, which also keeps me from looking. Every now and again, though, I do go look for something, and every now and again I find something worth reading. Amazingly, most of the stuff I like is centered around Scott or Emma or both.
Like this one. It's a great look at Emma, her powers as a telepath, what the exposure to way too many telepaths has done to Scott's mind, and why the two of them work anyway. Lots of extended metaphors. Also toenail painting.

rec-a-weekend, fandom: marvel

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