True Detective Vid: Rings

Jan 18, 2015 16:36

Title: Rings
Fandom: True Detective
Song: Danny Schmidt - This Too Shall Pass
Description: People with issues in a world that also has issues.
Note 1: Dedicated to nightrider101 who made me do it, pointed out some unclean bits, and was very patiently listening to me bitching about the semi-final edits.
Note 2: FML
Note 3: Since I still got a bingo card to blank out, I'll use this one for the prompt Taxes, for semi-obvious reasons.

Rings from Torstai Kilpikonna on Vimeo.

Download: SD (21 MB)    HD (66 MB)    Original (178 MB)

community: genprompt-bingo, medium: music video, fandom: true detective

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