We are Robin Hood! No wait. We are Guy Fans!, plot bunnies and ....cannibalism?

Jun 08, 2009 15:46

 Robin Hood, latest episode. You ask me why I love the villains? Sure, sure, retcon. I kind of love it. They made young!Robin a complete prat. Guy is on a redemption kick. Guy ftw!!!!

I couldn't sleep last night. this was a bad thing because now my Medieval Robin Hood/Legend of the Seeker influenced Chloe/Davis plot bunny will not leave me allooonnnneeee. (paraxdisepink , your ohsoclever ideas weren't helping keep them at bay.)
Seriously, Dr. Hamilton makes an appearance, Lex and Clark have interesting places in the castle heirachy, Ollie shoots people, there's a manipulative bast---, Chloe is the most paranoid Watcher ever, and Davis gets to wear no shirt be awesome/have struggles with faith, and he still has dooms inside him. Problem. This might be epically long.
I have other stuff I must doooo!!!
I also blame it on seriousfic , and her Chloe/Davis S1 epic!fic for tempting me to try.
ooppps. Secrit! Seeecrrrittt!

Just so I can pretend that this journal is about something other than fannishness, In 1991 there was a German Scientist who proposed the idea that cannibalism was a feasible anthropological way for humans to show dominance in large scale conflicts such as wars(I keep forgetting his name! darn!). Creutzfelt-Jacobs disease, anyone? Anyway, his ideas were counteracted by flying tomatoes and the fact that humans are nutritionally unhealthy. See for healthy consumption meat must have only 7 parts per million of DDT or less and average human being in the USA has about 12 part per million.
Now you have something to tell Hannibal Lecter or the random cannibals that pop up in your dreams.

Oh! and the next part of my failsday fic Timor is up.
She heard the tinkling of keys into the glove compartment, the dead engine, his voice telling her that she’d be fine now. )

legend of the seeker, robin hood, writing ideas, randomgeekery

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