long. rambly. image heavy.
friday night i was at the bus station watching the thriller video on my ipod, and it was the part when the voiceover goes "the foulest stench is in the air..." and right then a homeless guy walked past and i almost gagged. then i laughed for like 6 minutes.
the bus ride wasn't so awful, although my headphones were bothering me, so i put in my earphones and they gave me a headache after a while too. there were these two girls in front of me hugged up and being incredibly cute, which was nice. and i didn't have to sit next to anyone, which was great.
being in the library for most of thursday and most of friday reminded me of how much i fucking hate people. they stink and they're loud and they're annoying as fuck. remind me to get a fucking printer for my room and never do that shit again, jesus.
saturday morning louis picked me up from the bus station and he didn't touch my head. i wasn't expecting him to, but it would have been nice. people touch it when they like it, and i don't know why something like that would bother me, considering how long he's been in my life.
oh yes, friends, it's going to be that kind of entry. the kind where i admit all of my dumb weak shit and try to analyze where it came from.
my mom had her phone off so she couldn't buzz me into the apartment complex, [the intercom at the front gate goes to her cell phone] so me and louis went to his house and watched tv until niki came home from work and gave me her key to the front gate. then we slept for long time. the whole time i would roll over and look at him and it warmed me. it felt nice. and i wondered what it would be like to sleep next to someone every night.
at about 2 i decided i couldn't sleep anymore, which was annoying because waking up next to someone makes me incredibly horny. i don't know how or why but it does, and while i was fidgeting and trying to force myself back asleep, louis was laying there, sleeping in his breifs [lol he used to hate breifs so bad], and i felt like such a fucking pervert because i've never wanted to grope him more than i did right then. so i got up and decided to start my day, which really just led to a long conversation with brittany about how much easier life would be if i were one of those people who thinks about sex even half as much as i do. her response: "It may be easy but it sounds incredibly boring. If that's not what they're thinking about then what ARE they thinking about?" to which i had no good response lol. that's an interesting way of looking at it, but it didn't stop me from wishing things were different, because jesus, i think we passed obsession a few miles back. and it doesn't help that the only person in my life i would actually fuck wants nothing to do with me in that way.
when louis finally got up we went to this vegetarian restaurant way the fuck out by knott's berry farm. the food was pretty good [not worth the drive, in my opinion]. then we came back to my house and laid about half naked [dear god it was so fucking hot] until cami came. at that exact moment my grandmother called, told me she didn't want me doing the "horizontal mambo", then asked to speak to louis. she then proceeded to thank him for his "loving care". as far as i know my grandmother doesn't do drugs, but it would comfort me so much more if that awkward and creepy happening came for a drug-induced haze. jesus.
louis took me and cami to the mall so we could try and find something to make her boobs go away since she was planning on dressing in drag on sunday. we failed in that venture but it was still cool. we went to spencer's and then hot topic and it felt like the old days, back when we were 15 and had nothign better to do than spend the whole day at the mall. it was weird. at hot topic there was a bunch of rainbow stuff [they do it at assumably every hot topic right around pride] and i wanted all of it, of course. but mostly i wanted the new belt they had, since i haven't seen a rainbow studded belt that isn't leather... pretty much ever. and i also saw the white shirt that said love with the rainbow heart on it. but it would be too expensive to buy both, so i debated it for a very long time and eventually chose the shirt. the [hot, tattooed, pierced, purple dread locked, sexy as fuck] cashier was liek you don't want anything else? you sure you don't want the belt?? and i was like "...i'm sure..." and the other [hot, tattooed, pierced, pink and blue haired] girl was like "it's going to sell out. i wanted one and i thought i could come back the next week and get one, but it was gone." and i was like "=(! but..." and the other hot one said somethign else and i just went over and grabbed the belt. i had 15% off due to my frequent buyer card[s], but i only ended up saving 6 bucks. i am so fucking weak.
i went on a 3 hour long rant at cami about it, because i literally could not believe i was that fucking weak. like, i never thought i was that guy. you know, the guy that you just flirt a little with, show a little cleavage to, and he'll do whatever you want? i'm that guy, only you don't even have to show me anything. you don't even have to flirt. just be nice, smile a little. you don't even have to smile if you have tattoos. it's... disgusting. and i feel so ridiculous.
either way, i have a cute new belt and new shirt.
we dropped cami at home then came back to my mom's place and watched little miss sunshine [good!] and then juno [also good!], then went to bed. spending that much time around him always makes me wonder if maybe i would ever want to get married. but then i remember everything i hate about it and feel fine again.
my sunday morning started at 7 am when i rolled my ass out of bed and tried to squeeze some more of that last paper out of my brain. was largely unsuccessful and eventually louis dropped me off at liam's house so me cami and liam could go to the parade. liam is sick and can't talk, which totally reminded me of little miss sunshine. within the first ten minutes of standing there i saw boobies. so awesome. the parade itself was largely uneventful, we met up with darby and brandon and john and jose and jose's friend [whose name i don't know but i'm 80% sure she had a star branded into her foot. uhm, eh???]. standing in the sun for extended periods of time apparently give me a massive headache. didn't know that. lots of rainbows, lots of happiness.
after the lbcc gay-straight alliance float went by [and everyone on it jumped off to come hug us, rofl], james and fiona came and joined us. i hate james significantly less now, which is nice. i mean, he's still a dick, but i can stand near him and not hate him so that's good. and fiona!! i forgot how much i freakin love that girl! she's the cutest thing ever and she told me she wanted to pick a flower for her mommy and i took her to the bush nearby and we picked one. it was so sweet. i asked her what she wants to be when she grows up and she said "a vampire!" she told james she hated the cops when they passed during the parade [wonder where she got that]. anyway, i love her.
after the parade we went to that cool deli place where we watched people jumpin offa shit on tv. the lasagne was good and so was the salad, but i got too animated when i was talking and ended up dipping almost my entire right boob into said lasagne. white tank top + pasta sauce = fail. but i folded the bottom up to hide it, which meant no one could see the part that said i ♥ vulvas. and they also couldn't see my nipples, lulz. i love wearing white shirts that only kinda show off my dark ass nipples. it fucks with people. after that we headed over to the festival and zomg the line was long as fuck. the whole time we waited i was thinking about how last time i was waiting in that very parking lot waiting to get inside the festival, i ran into genne. i was thinking about how i never arrange to meet up with genne at pride but end up seeing her anyway. i was dreading it.
i had contacted her friday evening and told her i wanted my shirt back and she said that she could give it to me saturday, to just let her know. i did not call her saturday. i did not want to see her sunday either. and i, of course, did. but we'll get to that.
the first portion was spent trying to meet up with darbrielle whcih got us nowhere, and then cami liam and brandon disappeared to an atm or something, so john and i stood around, and then decided to head over to the "urban soul tent" [also known as the hip hop tent] to dance. after a while darbrielle called me but i guess she had bad reception cuz we got cut off and when i turned around john was gone. so i left and went to find liam cami and brandon, who were chilling by the medical tent, then we sat in the shade for some time. we got split up again and i went to go get john, who had met up with darbrielle somehow, and we were going to find liam cami and brandon again when we were approaching this big ass bush that people were walking through because walking around was too inconvenient. when we were 5 feet away from the bush i spot someone on the other side and GUESS WHAT it's genne. she's there and her hair is slightly different from the last time we met and she's wearing big sunglasses but i know it's her before i even really see her. and my hair is completely different from when last we met and i'm wearing big sunglasses too but immediately she knows it's me. she's making that face that she always makes when she sees me, that she's always made when she's seen me. the people in front of her walk through the bush and john and i step aside for she and her friend to walk through, but she stops and gestures for me to walk through first, like she always has. when we walk through she's looking at me and obviously holding herself back because she obviously wants to hug me but doesn't know if she can, and i feel satisfaction that she respects the fact that i might not want her to fucking touch me. and for some reason, a reason i still cannot figure out, i step forward and hug her.
yes, you may slap me now.
i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. i want to make excuses right now, so many excuses as to why i would act this way, so that you won't think less of me, but i know that i need to stop making excuses. i need to stop makign explanations to make others think i'm not fucking insane. i know i'm crazy. that's fine. i hugged her and for hours i could not stop thinking about it. why the fuck did i do that? why did i do that?
maybe because it was awkward. so awkward to look at her, to see her and not hug her. for 4 and a half years i've hugged her every time we saw each other. maybe i just wanted things to go back to the way they were. maybe i wanted to stop feeling so hurt and so angry. maybe i wanted our old relationship back. the one we had before february 15th, when things were only awkward because she was still in love with me and i kinda wanted to fuck her.
maybe there was no reason. maybe i just felt something inside of me and did it. maybe i recognized her. maybe i was relieved to realize she was not the monster i remember, but a person. i person who has trouble reading other people's boundaries. and no, i'm not excusing or forgiving her. i'm just realizing that it's not as black and white as i have been letting myself believe for the past few months. i don't know how to explain it.
afterwards i was really upset with myself for having done that. but i tried to ignore it and the tiredness and just have a good time. apparently nique, will, chris and edgar were having drama. i was not involved. but we went to the techno tent and danced and as you know, i feel that dancing cures most ails. it was great. when edgar saw me he picked me up and started humping me against the fence, lmao. i love him. there were these really cute semi-scene kids to the side of the tent and one of them was so damn cute. i just loved the way he moved, the way he stomped his feet but moved so lightly, his skin-fucking-tight pants. rawr i could not stop watching him. we went tot he hip hop tent for some time and it was alright but then i came home to finish my paper.
my next entry will be about the "male gaze" and femininity. i have so much fucking time on my hands so why not? besides, it's time.
when i got home i was depressed as fuck. feeling like shit, having a headache, the energy drink i took having no effect, not being able to write my paper, unable to stop thinking about genne [and subsequently louis]. eventually i finished my paper at about 4:30 am, emailed it to pam and went to bed. she printed it out and turned it in for me 4 hours later and the relief i felt shot through my body and i masturbated. lulz.
monday i went to krystelle's house and we made CUPCAKES [funfetti, muthafucka!!!!!!1]. we chilled with chris and james and fiona was being fuckign adorable. her laugh!!! my heart explodes! and then jenna came over and we kicked it. then we were heading to jenna's since kyler had been left with her parents and i stopped at my house to get my pants and jack, mama's boyfriend, was laying in her bed in nothing but a towel, eating. i was cool with this. he wanted to have conversation with me. i was awkward out of my mind. men in towels make me awkward as fuck. then i left and we chilled for a while at jenna's. kyler has the most adorable stutter. but there were problems since neither he nor fiona had taken their naps. they both had an attitude problem but they're so damn cute. fiona told me she wants her nose and lip peirced, like me and krystelle. she's adorable.
my sister called when i was at krystelle's to tell me about the house drama. my dad was supposed to start paying a loan when my mom moved out and he didn't, then he took out a flexible mortgage on the house [bad plan] and now it's getting too expensive. he doesn't know what he's going to do, but they're considering charging raevyon [who stays in my room] rent. so she would actually have my room and my shit would have to be moved. of course, this is somewhat saddening, but that would affect me, what? 40 days out of each year at most? i don't live there, man. and i don't like being there. at the time i wasn't thinking about what i'm supposed to do on nights like last night, when mom tells me not to come home because she's busy fucking jack. i called louis and he took me to his house where we watched tv for a few hours on his mom's uncomfortable furniture.
today i went downtown with the intention of buying Cunt at a used bookstore and reading by the beach, but ended up watchign half of sweeny todd with liam and eating cookies. we went to acres of books and oh my fucking god they don't organize the books by author. wtffff????? we went to borders and they had it for 9 dollars more thna i paid for the copy i sent to krystelle [including shipping]. but i bought it anyway. went to my dad's house and he was a jackass, but also kinda nice. he bought me a new piece of luggage since i had so many problems with my other set when last i was here. it's awesome. when he saw my hair [or lack thereof], he told me "someone's gonna choke you" and i said "i don't think so." on the ride to IHOP, he claimed that the reason he couldn't make his turn was because the person next to us "didn't know what they were doing" and "of course it was a woman. you know how woman drivers are." he was looking at me, eyebrow raised, waiting for it. are you kidding me? what was that about me being the one who provokes him? yea, right. i glared at him. not funny. he said a lot of asshole shit but i took none of his bait. including his attempts to get me to eat meat. like, srsly. i haven't done it in almsot two years now. do you really think IHOP ribs are going to be that much of a challenge to my resolve?
he dropped me off and here i am. here, have pictures.
cami hates pictures.
you will not believe how many people starting screaming and hollering when the jager bus went by.
the balloon was humpign the other balloon rofl.
the hot girls on roller skates.
shiny ass car!
there were a lot of signs that said "just married" or "just [allowed to be] married!"
i love them so much.
john's sexy ass.
darbrielle's flag and the lbcc float in the background 2.5 seconds before we caught nelson's attention and he ran over to crash into us lmao.
just after everyone had hugged each other
the focus of this pic was actually those boots lmao.
look at my gangsta niece and her pop tart tats.
right after this boat passed darbrielle looked at each other like "we need to be on that boat." the girl in the black top was so shane. it was hot as fuck.
liam and john tecktoniking
maybe i'll write now. or sleep.