Skulduggery Pleasant

Mar 09, 2011 21:06

 Skulduggery Pleasant.

I love this book!

Haven't picked up a book in months!
Glad I picked up this one, even if its an audio book. Need the rest of the series.

Catching up with some happenings:

* have been accosted by not one but five new legal booklets. Finished so far: three, the remaining books are awaiting the final check from the proofreader. Not fun these, not at all.

* Had no idea how much I know about certain subjects until someone pointed it out. Really, never thought about it until this afternoon while I was driving from work.

* Worried about someone at work. Haven't seen her for a week. No way of contacting her since she has no phone and no Internet. I hope she's all right.

* Have I mentioned Skulduggery Pleasant? Well, mentioning it again. Cracking good book!

* Drawing skills have improved a little but its hard to keep working at something. I have such a small attention span.

* Meditating once more. Of late I've become very restless mentally. Really need to focus.


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