NO to SOPA and PIPA!!!

Jan 18, 2012 20:45

What in the ...?!?!

Time has come for the little users to stand up to the multimedia corporate moguls, and their government enforcers, who lap up every opportunity to tighten their stranglehold on civil freedoms.
Every time I hear one of these Orwellian laws pop up I hear the jackboots coming closer and closer, ready to stomp on anyone who refuses to bow.

Pirates and infringers will go underground, as they always do, and the one paying the price for these draconian laws will be US, not them. Our rights to move freely as digital citizens will be reduced to standing in line and obeying his master’s voice. No more free exchange of ideas, no more freedom to share our thoughts and voice our arguments as we please, when we please.

Refuse to be turned into a number! Refuse to be intimidated into silence!
Speak out against this disguised attempt to steal our online freedoms!

Freedom! Forever!

Heh! Here’s a thought.

The link lists the number of senators pro and against.

These are the people debating the future of online liberty.


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