New Laptop! BotCon is a No Go. Supanova Here I Come!

Feb 11, 2011 20:35

 Worn out from house hunting today.
Purchased new laptop. Intel Core i7 Qosmio, which is, or so i was told, the better range of Toshiba machines.
I really wanted a Sony Vaio but the price was extortionate. For the one I purchased I received a discount of two hundred dollars. Nice!
Now I'll be able to run the software I have without the tremendous lag I had been experiencing.

Work tomorrow. 
Finally! the colossal booklet that had been vexing my central processor is almost complete.
Not sure why the client wants to run it through a professional proofreader now, since this should have been done at the beginning, before it was set up. Anyway, it will be in presentable format by Monday and if all goes well it will receive a final approval for print by this Friday, after it has been approved by the board of directors.

I had no idea how much this contract would cost until my boss told me how much we stand to gain.
Its a nice, nice figure.

BotCon ... I won't make it this year.
I really wanted to but the costs involved were too extreme too early in the year.
Even if I took a second job I won't have enough to make it now that I have to save, again, for the move.
However I can attend Supanova in Sydney!
It won't be the same but I'll be able to show off my Mirage/Bombshell cosplay!

Purchasing a laptop right now was a daft move? Shouldn't spend so much money right now?
No, I don't think so. I needed a new machine to handle the software, I researched both online and in person.
In the end I'm happy with my purchase and for the fact I acquired it at a good price.
My only vexation now is to install all the software I have on my old machine.
That will take a day or so since I have to hunt down the installation disks.

Its hot right now but I'm drinking cool carbonates from a refilled Ramune Soda bottle.
I remembered it in smaller bottles but I purchased a giant 410ml.
Now I need to watch Rahxephon yet again.


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