Year-end Meme

Dec 07, 2005 20:59

Taken from lignota.

Post the first line of the first post for each month.

Jan. 3rd ("Quote for the New Year"): At a certain stage the realization strikes through that one must either live outside of society's bonds or die of absolute boredom. [Quote from The Stainless Steel Rat.]

Feb. 2nd ("Name That Movie"): Meme taken from stinkybean and ingan...

Mar. 4th ("Brad's Informercial of the Week"): Ever heard of Tiny URL?


May 12th ("Notes from the Garden State (Part 9)"): I'm not sure I'd ever heard of Rutgers before moving to New Brunswick.

Jun. 1st ("Those Rockin' Oakenkats"): Two mondegreens of mine involve arboreal rodents.

Jul. 6th ("Fun over the Fourth"): Kendell has already summarized our long weekend, so I'll just add in some tidbits here:

Aug. 4th ("Tales of the Urban West (Part 1)"): My itinerary through San Francisco on Saturday, July 23rd:

Sep. 1st ("Gotham U."): Boston is famous for being America's ultimate college town, with over sixty colleges in or around the city, but it wasn't long before I realized that New York has got to have almost as many.

Oct. 4th ("An Afternoon in Williamsburg"): Last week, we finally signed up for Netflix, and got our first two DVDs in time for the weekend.

Nov. 1st ("Irving Plaza: Leo Kottke"): Last Saturday, Kendell and I went again to Irving Plaza, this time to see the virtuoso accoustic guitarist, Leo Kottke.

Dec. 1st ("Garbage Day"): Today is garbage day in Manhattan.

The above does do a pretty good job of hitting the highlights of my 2005. Garbage day was the crowning moment, of course. Must remember next year that the first entry every month needs to start with a profound sentence...


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