Also from
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
1. My username is "Uzbradistan" for two reasons. First, because I someday hope to visit Uzbekistan, mainly for its architecture. Second, because it's a name that occurred to me serendipitously one day. I like it because it contains both my own name, and a reference to something that's generally important to me (travel and foreign cultures).
There was a time when I used to think that nicknames, codenames, Internet handles, etc., were coolest when you could choose the name of some famous personage, real or fictional. For instance, when I clocked in at Harris Teeter (a Southern grocery store for you Northerners), the name associated with my magnetic-striped card would appear on the digital timeclock. We got to pick our own names and, for reasons I don't remember, they didn't have to be the same as our real names, so I picked "Gandalf". I was really bummed when my parents first subscribed to AOL and found that the screen name "Gandalf" had already been taken. But I'm much happier now with a name of my own making.
2. My journal is titled "Tales of the Urban North" because I started it in January 2004, after I'd been living in Boston for a little over a year, and it quickly became my outlet for describing the wonders of that city and its environs. Moving to New Jersey in July 2004 and New York in June 2005 only gave me more material to write about. I grew up in the South and have been greatly enjoying experiencing daily life in a completely different area of the country.
3. I don't have a subtitle for my journal. Never felt I needed one.
4. I don't have a name for my friends page. See above.
5. My default userpic is of the Sher-Dor Madrassah in Registan Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, for reasons that should be obvious in light of #1 above.
I'll take this opportunity to say how much I prefer the term "userpic" to "avatar". We're not gods, people, and little headshots of us are not our incarnations. "Userpic" bears a clear relationship to the thing it describes and the function that thing performs.