Jena 6 - have you heard of them?

Sep 20, 2007 01:25

If you were a big football player tough guy with tattoos and you got in a school brawl with no broken bones, just bruises and a black swollen eye, would you expect to be able to get your assailants charged of second degree attempted murder?

This is another case of most African Americans have heard of it and many whites haven't. If you don't know about Jena 6, you may hear about it today in the news. An estimated 10,000 people are planning to rally in the town with a population of only 3,000.

The latest CNN story where the district attorney says this is not about race, it's about finding justice for an innocent victim. He says there is no law allowing him to charge for hanging nooses as a hate crime, though he thinks it's a "villainous act". He says the noose incident and the attack were not related. When asked about making the statement, "I can take away your lives with a stroke of my pen." he did not deny it and he referred to the incident to which they were referring and then said "no threats were made." He says the "innocent victim" was blind-sided and became unconscious and was kicked when he was down - this is the first I've heard of this charge; there has been little said about the details of what happened to the victim. I did a search and found this. NPR has a photo story of this case with another photo of him. I have heard nothing about the whites and blacks of that town trying to work out their problems. There were no African Americans in the video.

I posted on this site which has two people who say they're from Jena. People (some white people) say racism doesn't exist and some say incidents like this are not about race. Are these deliberate lies or unbelievable denial?

I have a friend who's planning to go; there are a lot of UUs involved in this case - see story. I hope it draws attention to the problem of racism in this country, but, unfortunately, I don't think enough people are paying attention.

Even in Prince George's Co., Maryland we still have these problems. I'm constantly finding evidence of it.

Oh, I see there's going to be a rally in DC today, too.

racism, event, news

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