Fellow UUs Take Note - In the News

Apr 30, 2010 12:29

I was there and put photos on Facebook. This story was buried on this page: http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/can/2010/04/30-40/Around-AnnapolisStudents-plant-garden-for-Earth-Day.html

In a two-hour ceremony punctuated by raucous clapping, laughter, a few tears and even a clanging fire alarm, the Rev. John Crestwell was officially installed Sunday as associate minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis.

"Reverend John," as he's known, of Landover, was selected for the new post following an extensive search with the aim of furthering the church's mission to reach out to minority and marginalized populations. He started at the church on Dubois Road in September.

A capacity crowd of 300-plus turned out for the service and to hear keynote speaker, the Rev. Peter Morales, president of the Unitarian Universalist Association. UU ministers from throughout the region and pastors from other area churches filled nearly half of the center section of seats, with many rising to speak.

Musical interludes came courtesy of the 35-member UUCA Choir and "Kirby Lane," the stage name for the soul-gospel duo of Jessica Henderson and Johnelka Stafford. Acclaimed pianist Brian Ganz also performed and accompanied the choir.

"This congregation will engage in internal and external work that will not just fill potholes but pave new streets," said Crestwell following the event. He added that church leaders are already starting to see more racial diversity at Sunday morning services.

A brief evacuation to allow firefighters to check the building did little to dampen the celebratory spirit of the installation event. Turns out, somebody forgot to add water to a chafing dish of meatballs for the reception that followed, setting off the fire alarm.

I have audio of half of Peter's speech (the 2nd half - I was so inspired, the thought occurred to me to tape it), but John told me he has the whole thing and will put it up. I didn't know if I should put Peter's audio online without his permission.

anti-racism, unitarian, uu, unitarian universalism

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