Title: **UNTITLED** Pairing: Kento/OC Raiting: G Summary:(( Too lazy for one omg..)) Requested by:rikuhsj A/N: Cari. You suck. Don't rush me. omg. Now look at what you've done. Making me write a fic in 15 minutes.
Title: 15 Drabbles! Pairing: Yamada/OC Raiting: G Summary: Drabbles. >< Requested by: itapan A/N: /sigh I should never write drabbled. This is half of the drabbles. Next 15 will be out soon!
Title: Yuto's love for bugs Pairing: Yuto/OC Raiting: G Summary: Miyuki feels like Yuto loves his bugs more than her. Requested by: helnaa A/N: Rawr. This is so late... orz
Title: Revenge! Rating: G Pairing: Morimoto/OC Summary: Whatever Ryutaro does to Kikii, she does back. But what if he loves her? Requested by: iriejingi95
Title: One snowy day~ Rating: G. Or PG-13 ... Pairing: Yamada/OC Summary: Jenny and Yamada decided to have a date in the snow. Requested by: ziqi_huang