Title: Yuto's love for bugs
Pairing: Yuto/OC
Raiting: G
Summary: Miyuki feels like Yuto loves his bugs more than her.
Requested by:
helnaaA/N: Rawr. This is so late... orz
"UWAAAAAA! YUTO!! IT'S TOUCHING MEE!!!" Miyuki screamed. One of her best friend, Yuto's bugs that was crawling around on the floor had clung itself onto her foot.
"DON'T MOVE. YOU'LL SQUISH IT!" Yuto said running over. He held Miyuki's foot up high, and delicately took the bug off. Not realising that Miyuki fell over in the process.
"Oiiii~ Yuto. Do you mind??" Miyuki said putting her hand out for him to help her off the floor. But Yuto went to put his bug away first.
Little did Yuto know that Miyuki actually liked him. But was too engrossed in his bugs to notice that Miyuki was blushing.
As the days passed, Miyuki couldn't bear feeling sad all the time since Yuto never showed interest in her. So she tried to get over him, but she began to avoid him.
Then one day, while Miyuki was walking home. Yuto stopped her in her tracks.
"What have I done!?" He said."
"Nothing..." Miyuki replied.
"Then why are you ignoring me!?"
"Do you know how much it hurt when you didn't talk to me!?" Yuto said pulling Miyuki into a tight hug. "Don't ever do that again,"
"I-I-I thought you preferred your bugs over me.." Miyuki said quietly.
"I'd choose you over my bugs any day." Yuto said kissing Miyuki lightly on the forehead.