Computer HATE

Mar 28, 2006 16:03

This posts teems with computer HATE. My computer at work did something funky, and since I found all the installation disks for every computer in the office EXCEPT mine, I had to do a complete reinstall. Annoying, but we didn't lose any files, so if I have to reinstall a few programs, eh, whatever.

Except that now it won't recognize its network adapter and ethernet port, and I didn't know what kind of innards it had, so I had to go through several years worth of invoices and etc to find the list of the innards, and then it would not accept the correct drivers, and because our phone lines are routed through the phone system computer, I can't use dialup either. 3 days already I have been fixing problems only to be encountered with new ones and I just am so tired of it. I hate computers because there is NO REASON why it shouldn't be working right now.

And the software? No organization. I have piled on my desk all sorts of things for all 6 office computers which had almost all different operating systems trying to sort what is for what and dude, I found Windows 3.1 disks. 3.1! And DOS drivers for my printer -- but god forbid that I find the OS disk for my comp. I only used macs until I left high school and they never inspired this kind of utter computer hatred. I've got wires strewn all over the floor in my corner - a great mess of computer anatomy - it's like right out of some cyberpunk film.

And you know what? I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT COMPUTERS! I really don't. I make it all up by alternating strategies of the scientific method and violence. This gives everyone the illusion that they can come to me with their computer problems because sometimes I can fix them by sheer force of RAGE.

So I called up the tech guy, but honestly, I think he knows maybe only slightly more than I do. Perhaps that will be enough.

Nothing, nothing provokes such a response from me as having to fight with the computer. I'm sure my computers tag is filled with many fun and exciting rants.

And I had other less RAGEy things to say but they have been trumped. Maybe next time.


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