(no subject)

Aug 19, 2009 23:13

Today, I got a new MacBook. It is possibly both the nicest, and the most expensive thing I HAVE EVER OWNED. (Caps by accident there, but somehow it fits lol)

It is an absolute BEAUT, but the wireless connection thingy doesn't work so I've had to plug in the internet wore which is a bit of a chore to be honest. But OH WELL!

Tomorrow is RESULTS DAY and I think I may die. I just cried because my mum and dad wished me good luck, and my dad said I can have the bottle of Champagne he's bought as a commiseration if I don't do well, because I think he realised how unsure I am about the outcome of tomorrow...

Another time, I am going to write a long, pondering, semi-ranty entry about B, but not now because I am tired and my brain is frazzled.

I have been working for the past two weeks, and it has been very good and very fun but very tiring and I don't get paid until September, which is a PAIN but what can you do?

I'm sure I'll post again tomorrow, if not, I'm probably dead of results haha

school, stress, exams, angst, life

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