(no subject)

Aug 24, 2009 19:52

Last week was a good week. On Thursday, I FINALLY got my A-Level results, and I got BBC :D
When I opened the envelope, I was so nervous and shaky that I couldn't figure out what I'd got, so I had to go over to Mr Short and get him to look up for me... And then my reaction was pretty much "NOOOOO!" because I thought I hadn't got in, but James and Ben made me go and check on my UCAS to see what it said on there. So I rushed to the library and logged on, and then my computer shut down. Attempt number two got me logged in and onto Track, where the words "Congratulations, your place at Liverpool University has been accepted." :D
I felt a little bad though, because as I was excitedly phoning up various members of my family to tell them, other people in the room were discovering they hadn't got in. But oh well!

We all went out on Thursday night which I thought was a Very Good Night Out, but Amber and other people were annoyed because they were being sort of strict on ID and also Jessi decided she didn't actually like going out at all, and so proceeded to moan about how she wanted to go home until around 3 in the morning. Oh, and Jess somehow managed to lose/spend £70. Yeah, I don't even KNOW...

Friday was Tilly's birthday, so we went to Mercy for the night, and got drunk on alcoholic Slush Puppy. It was good times to say the least! Various cheating on boyfriends/girlfriends occurred but I wasn't involved so I'm not going to comment. Lord knows I've learned THAT message before hahah

THEN... On Saturday, after approximately 6 hours sleep panned out over the previous couple of nights, I went to the Torchwood signing at the old BBC shop. Queued for several hours to meet GDL, Tom and Kai, and made friends with Andy and Laura who were in front of me in the queue. Much hilarity ensued when Hannah (who was also there for a bit) said she had to go and meet this guy she knew from Sam's bus, who just happened to be a Baron. Yes, an actual BARON! To be honest, she didn't really help the funniness of the situation when she admitted he couldn't meet her before because he had to go for a final fitting of a jacket. Evidently SOMEONE thinks TopShop is beneath them! :P

Finally, we got to the front of the queue, and we got to meet them! Andy was being all calm and collected and actually asked Gareth for career tips, while Laura and I just giggled and looked adoring! Actually that's not entirely true, Laura did speak to them as well and I convinced Gareth to write "Emo Ianto is emo" on my poster, to which he added his own opinion...

(I really should LJ Cut this but I don't care mwahhahaa)

IMO it was totally worth the wait!

I've spent today trying to sort out Uni stuff but that pales in comparison, so I'm not gonna write about it. À bientôt!

exciting times, exams, binge drinking is very bad, results, torchwood

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