As my good friend Mr. Greg Moberg once said, and I paraphrase: "MTV is to music, as a coathanger is to a fetus!" Then there was MTV Films, which has given us such diverse genres as the football film, and the comedy football film. Now... And it was bad, but still forgivable to a degree. But now... and if you are faint of heart, have a weak stomach, are nursing and/or pregnant, a history of heart disease, or are able to think on your own, you may wish to read no more.
MTV is Making Video Games My first reaction: "Zuh?"
My second reaction: *wretch*
My third reaction: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" /Darth Vader fists
My fourth reaction: "I AM SO FUCKING ANGRY!"
My fifth reaction: *cries*
My sixth reaction: "Hey Greg, MTV is making games!"
My seventh reaction: *writes in livejournal*
MTV must be stopped. I remember a day when you could turn on the TV and see good music videos. I remember being but a yon child and waiting with baited breath to see Peter Gabriel's "Big Time" music video. I remember that one of my baby-sitters had a strange fascination with John "Couger" Mellencamp, that led me to run from the room screaming "NO MORE JOHN COUGAR MELLENCAMP!" Hell, Music Videos man... MTV in general started as such a novel concept and had such good potential.
Now they would rather rape my childhood and piss on my future with their crappy reality shows and Pimp My Ride shite. MTV needs to be stopped before you start seeing MTV branded produce in the supermarket. Trust me, it will happen sooner or later and by then, it will be too late. You'll see peaches wearing thongs and having tan-lines blaring "Fifty Cents" (yes that is deliberate, because I don't acknowledge the words "fiddy cent") music when you bite them. and then you will get gonnorhea and die, because I can't think of anything clever to say at the moment, and dinner is ready, so bye.