Jan 05, 2010 19:28
Today has been one hell of a day. I got a call at 8am right after getting out of the shower. It was one of the girls at work, who informed me that the power had gone out some time during the night, which turned the pump off. Apparently the girl that opened is too dense to figure out that the giant 'START' button restarts the pump. As a result, the pool was turning green when they called me. Since my supervisor could not be reached (and given that he doesn't know anything about managing a pool anyway), I told them to shut down and shock. I hurriedly got ready and got in a half hour early, only to find that we didn't have any of the chemicals needed to balance the damn thing. We scrambled and got a hold of a local supplier that could get me what I needed, though of course only after the directors bitched about the cost. You know what, if we had kept the stuff in stock like I have been saying for years, it wouldn't have been an issue.
Fortunately, I got it all taken care of, and now we've got a backup supply of chemicals on order. I suppose I should be somewhat thankful for days like this, since it means job security for me. I am the only one there that has even a vague idea of what I'm doing, and it's times like this where it really shows. I just wish they'd show some appreciation for it by giving me a raise.