28 Days of Wrong!Shipping: Day Eleven

Jan 21, 2013 18:48

The full list can be found here. Here be Buffyverse spoilers.

Day 11: The ship you love for its creepiness.
BtVS, Spike/Drusilla

It's not that they're a creepy ship that squicks people out on regular basis. Because, lol, no. But I absolutely adore them for their creepy, Gothic style. Her visions mixed with his poetry, their lofty dialogues and theatrical gestures. They're both true children of the 19th century, they're too spiritual and too metaphorical, but, somehow, it all fits perfectly when they're together. When they meet, she tells him: “You walk in worlds others can't begin to imagine”, and that's exactly how this ship works: they live inside their own heads, and no one else could even begin to comprehend. My creepy, effulgent, Victorian monsters ♥.

fandom: buffyverse, 28 days of wrong!shipping

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