28 Days of Wrong!Shipping: Day Ten

Jan 21, 2013 01:50

The full list can be found here. Here be The Hour spoilers.

All delays are happening due to ficcing. Apologies.

Day 10: The ship you want to see being a trainwreck tragedy because they're too different.
The Hour, Bel/Freddie

I honestly had no idea what to do with this category, because I usually ship ships that are freakishly alike. So I picked something from a show I haven't finished watching yet (only s1 watched, so please, don't spoil me in comments :) ).

What I love them for is that Bel is so perceptive, down-to-earth and struggling with the world, while Freddie is clueless and boyish. Devilishly intelligent, yes, but locked in his own head, oblivious to human relationships around him. Bel can see his cluelessness, and this is precisely why she doesn't pursue him: they'd love each other madly, but they'd be a trainwreck of miscommunication and conflicting expectations. They're a match in a little world of their own, when they're isolated from everyone and everything, but if you put them as a couple in the real world, you'd get a total disaster, because the ways in which they perceive the world is just so different.

fandom: the hour, 28 days of wrong!shipping

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