(no subject)

Jul 26, 2007 15:51

soooo i dunno.
things have been really really bad
but there have been some good which is really really good.
this is a really weird feeling.

this year has prob been the worst year of my life, but i survived and i just have 2 prepare myself for another 1.

hmmmm lets see- i got my report card, and i got an 84 in math and 83 in us( i dont need us tho just the exam) and i need math so i was happy and so was my mom
my dad said he was happy but then he was liek well how come u cant do this all year? n i was like hmmmm WELLL. maybe its the fact that there 4 5 kids in my math class which = extra help, as oppose 2 20
another reason- i feel comfortable in the classroom so i ask questions, i couldnt do that in math this year cause my teacher made me feel like an ass when i did
another reason- my teacher teaches the way i understand
and i like the class

so those might b some helpin factors?
oh and its summer skool, they sorta have 2 make it easier 4 u and teach u slower and make sure u get it
but i dunno
maybe i just slacked off and didnt wana try all year right?!
bull shit.

im so fucking sick of pple.
im not gonna name any names,
but just people piss me off
i LOVEEEE how u can get ignored and the second they hear things r not right between u guys, they all of a sudden put an innocent lil sad face and try n b ur bff!
its sorta BULLSHIT.
it really is.

this year has been an up and down wit my friends, ive grown so much closer 2 some of my bestfriends, and ive grown so distant from some of my goodfriends, annd ive just completely lost or gained some.
so its whatever.
i learn from my friendships,
my fav quote since 4everrr-
some friends come into r lives and quickly go, others stay 4 awhile and leave footprints on r hearts, and we r never EVER the same.

thats kinda what i learned this year.

me and kenny go out now!(haha lindsey- i had 2 write it like that)
anyway. so as of now imr eally happy wit him. hes really cute and really nice and we just have alot of fun and i never liked a guy as much as i like him.
like its weird, i dunno i have feelings 4 this one.
i dunno, i kinda wana b wit him 4awhile.
the thought kinda scared me, but eh i dunno.
i really just dunno right now.
like i say i wana b wit him 4ahwhile and shit, but i see it lasting 4 about 2 months,
but whatever it will b fun, and ill learn something.
annnd hes written me notes and colored me pics and drawn me pics and tells me stories=]

but yeah....
ughhhh im so frustrated wit pple
i really just cant take it anymore
i want 2 scream, and not a good happy scream
a loud 1that gets all my anger out

i been havin head aches and stomach aches lately and i really think im letting things get 2 me causing me 2 feel sick.

fuck fuck fuck fuck
i dunooooo

sometimes i really just wish i was dead.
like it would just b so peaceful and i wouldnt have 2 deal wit stupid shit anymore.
i dont see a purpose in my life,

but hey. whatevvvv.

im going to nyc this weekend so ican go shopping.
i need it.
oh hahahahahah i forgot! I DONT HAVE MONEY!
whoooo hooooo.

fuckkkkkkk out bitchessss
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