Try not to laugh

May 06, 2004 01:19

I can't believe I forgot to post this about what happened at the zoo. Mostly because it will embarass the hell out fo KiKi just to know this is floating around on the web somewhere. Ok so she had this huge craving for kettle corn and even though the line was like miles long insisted she had to wait for some. She and her "friend" Lee decided to stand in line for it while we took Jared with us and wandered a minimal distance to keep the whining to a minimum. Mostly my whining because I don't even like kettle corn and can't imagine standing in line that long for it. (I used the "" on "friend". I even use air quotes when I talk about him. They are so totally perfect for each other and hopelessly in love too but have "come to the conclusion" whatever that they are too good friends to ruin it with anything else. Since when did friendship become a roadblock to marriage family and future happiness? WHATEVER.) The kids and I went and tried on hats for sale, (I would have bought this adorable safari hat for Sydney but $8! Then add in if you buy one for her you have to buy one for everyone . . .well souvineers were not an option.) And Vang wandered off and when I realized he was gone and started looking around for him I could have sworn he was flirting with this pretty young blonde thing. Not ten feet from me! When he pulled up a chair I considered calling over to him something like "OH HONEY THE KIDS MISS YOU AND THOMAS HAS A POOPY DIAPER!" Then he comes back over and it turns out he just randomly decided to get his face painted! For a dollar he got a spider Sydney could have topped and four kids clammering to get thiers done just like Daddy. I wish he had been just flirting! Ok but the point of the story was KiKi in line for popcorn. But you can imagine from all we accomplished just how long she was gone. So she looks so damn happy waiting in this long ass line you just can't be mad at her. When she finally turns up she has two funnl cakes a huge lemonade and a trash bag of popcorn. She should be exstatic! But she has this look on her face like she was gonna rip someones head off and then cry for an hour. She did not want to talk about what was wrong but Lee forced her to tell me. (She probably didn't want me to know just because she knew I would put it here!) Apparently the girl behind the counter ran out of popcorn just as they placed thier order and had told KiKi that if she wanted to go sit down and wiat while they made more HER SON COULD COME PICK IT UP FOR HER! Her son! He is admittedly 18mos younger than her but like three inches taller! I mean anyone who knows KiKi knows she looks younger than her 23 years anyway. I tried so hard to keep a straight face but then she blurts out the worst part. This is not the first time this has happened! Apparently everywhere they go people mistake him for her son! I think this may be the real reason they don't date .. .

funny2me, kiki, vang, thomas, sydney li, vi-vi

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