(no subject)

May 03, 2004 02:10

I feel like since I haven't posted in a really long time, (wow four whole days),then I should have a million interesting things to say but I really don't. (If you don't know my posts by now this means I'll say alot but very little will be interesting.) Not that the kids didn't say a million recordable, and adorable things but my memory is shot and I can't remember any of them. Sorry! Vang and I hooked up with KiKi and Lee and brought all the kids to the Zoo today. It was big time fun and the weather was perfect for it. Thomas loved the train and kept yelling ALL ABOARD well after the train was moving. But the prices in the restaurant are astronomical! The kids meals were almost $7 and the food was not that great! But they do give you tons of fries knowing full well you are going to feed the extras to the ducks. We have to bring Aunt Erica the next time she visits. I saw a very nice Ostritch on the endangered species carosel that was calling her name. Plus it is mega fun to say "Kiki don't look now but theres a Peacock behind you!" More than half the time your not even kidding and she runs for the hills even more than that! Thats good clean fun if you ask me. I was telling her about this girl at work that I have been known to refer to as the Box of Rocks. Well BOR has her first new home that she wants to sell already because it apparently is infested with rabbits. She said front yard, back yard, drive way bunnies everywhere. Apparently BOR has never seen a cute little creature like this before and has gotten it into her head that they are some how vicious blood thirsty creatures who will attack her eat her young if she gets to close. She says they sit on her front porch and wait for her to come out. Personally I would be thrilled! I would never get all the nose prints off the glass from my kids plastering themselves to the window to see all the bunnies! But BOR is scared to death of them and wanted to know if you can call Animal control and report them! So I was telling all this to KiKi and she said "So what did you tell her?" To which I replied "I told her cute adorable harmless little bunnies are a pretty ridiculous thing to be afraid of. But don't be too embarassed. My baby sister is afraid of Peacocks!" Pretty soon I was the only one laughing. Go figure.

I am trying really hard to be mad at Vang. We got into this huge fight about whether sympathy is an important part of a relationship or if its the mans job to ignore a girls plight and grief until she shuts up about it. I guess you can figure out my stand on this. So he finally catches on that I just want a little comfort and says what I need him to say, "Its ok. Everythings going to be all right, honey, because I love you." Well of course that worked. Fight over. But now he thinks this is great and uses it for everything.
J:I had the worst day at work.
V:Its ok. Everythings going to be all right, honey, because I love you.
J:I forgot to pick up the milk!
V:Its ok. Everythings going to be all right, honey, because I love you.
J:It looks like it might rain today . . .
V:Its ok. Everythings going to be all right, honey, because I love you.
You can see how this might become less than comforting and sort of his catch phrase when hes not listening . . .but I gotta admit I don't hate it. ;)

I got invited to a baby shower I can not attend because its the same day as our big garage sale. But I swear this thing is gonna be huge! They rented out Rich and Charlies and sent menu options to rsvp with. I mean damn! This is not a wedding reception its a baby shower! Not only that she's like my second cousin from out of state, I barely know her! It even askes that everyone bring a box of diapers or baby wipes in additon to the present. A bit hoity toity to me. What happened to the "guess the size of her tummy" game? Are we to good for that? I would have loved to go just to see how it all turns out but this garage sale is going to happen if I have to hold it alone in the snow with only one customer and everytihngs a penny. I told the kids they could have their brownie stand just like last time. Store bought brownie mix they get to make themselves and sell for a qurter. It totally keeps them occupied and distracted the whole sale because they are afraid if they leave thier table they'll miss a customer. Plus it seems to be a real draw to the lookie loos. They can't pass up chocolate or big brown eyes telling them how they made it themselves! They got to keep all the proceeds last time and used it to buy thier own christmas presents that year. They were much pickier about what they bought when it was thier own money!

Mother's day isn't far away. I have been trying to subtly hint that I want some nice earrings and for Vang to take us all to Olive Garden. I have been trying to teach him that something doesn't have to be OUR favorite if its not OUR special day. That who's day it is will aprreciate this sacrifice and bring US to OUR favorite on OUR special day. Of course subtly is lost on Vang. I told said something about how these earrings were itching me again and when he asked why, as planned, I said oh its because they are not real nice metal. They only cost me two dollars at Sears. I was kind of hoping the excuse to go to Sears might help. But he said "I"ll see if Bich (his sister) has some old ones she doesn't care about anymore." So romantic. And the kids are no help either. If subtly is lost on Vang it is wasted on the kids. I mentioned durning an Olive Garden commercial that my favorite restaurant was having a special on Mothers Day. How nice! Two day later in the car we drive by said Olive Garden. Both wild monkey girls start screaming at the top of thier lungs like they just can't contain thier shock and amazement! "Look! Look! Its here! A real Olive Garden! Thats where we HAVE to surprise Mama for Mothers Day!" Watch Vang still not catch on. Sydney has been hiding a picture under her bed for a month. She drew it in the family room on the back of a piece of scrap paper but decided it was good enough to be a Mothers day picture so she took it back from me and hid it to be taken out again later. Of course this means everyday she comes down stairs with it behind her back and asks if its Mothers Day yet. She knows good and well its not because its on the calendar but she is trying so hard to be patient (and its not working.)She keeps hinting if I just can't wait I could have it early. I guess she thinks subtly is lost on me too.

ViVi has been trying so hard to be mature. Anyone who knows her knows that she doesn't have far to go but she has started using my own language against me. She comes in crying and saying things like "I am very upset and frustrated. Tracy (her cousin) has been trying to antagonize me. I try to ignore it and wait for her to stop but it hurts my feelings and I need to walk away." All the while crying and boo hooing like its the end of the world. This is not as cute as you might assume. We had invited Tracy to come with us to the zoo and her parents took her grocery shopping so she didn't get to go. Then she thought, without our confirmation, that we were all meeting at Chuckie Cheese and they apparently waited there for hours. Don't ask me why! So I think Tracy was a bit frustrated herself. Plus it annoys her when ViVi tries to act older. They were all drawing pictures and Tracy said ViVi couldn't use her special pencil only Sydney could. Sydney said if ViVi couldn't use it she didn't want it either. (Yeah Sydney.) ViVi says "No thats ok. I don't care what pencil I use." To which Tracy respondes by switching pencils with her every few seconds. Hence the tear fest I already mentioned. Really kids can come up with the most creative ways to bother each other.
ViVi also got invited to a birthday party. Vang freaked out becuase it was a boy. Not only a boy but the boy ViVi had a crush on when school started. Chase. But I pointed out A)she doesn't have a crush on him anymore (she likes a first grader) B)she's only in kindergarten so there are very few rules to the whole boy/girl thing unless one has cooties and C)everybody in class was invited. But get this. Its at the Bigfoot Truck Land. I had never heard of this. Apparently it is a truck themed arcade with go carts and a big ole monster truck you can climb on for an hour at five bucks a head. Damn! If this is what she does when he turns six what are they gonna do to top this next year? By the time he's twelve they'll have to rent hot air ballons! I told Vivi don't get your hopes up this is how your birthday will be. Two or three kids a pizza and a swing set. If your good I'll rent a movie. Party planned. But his mom did say Sydney could come which was awfully sweet. Plus she had warned me more than a month earlier that the party invite was coming so I bought his present before KB toys went under. A remote control monster truck that the wheels look like tank wheels so it can race over dirt or "crawl" over rocks and gravel cause of this weird triangle shaped wheel change it can do. I don't know it sounded very masculine. Plus it cost me like $7 with the 75% off thing. "Sweet....Totally" to quote Sydney Li.

funny2me, vang, thomas, sydney li, gifts, security, vi-vi

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