[Fic] Cupid Notes (2/?)

Feb 13, 2009 16:47

Title : Cupid Notes (how Jin use it to get Kame)
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : fluff, crack..
Rating : I decide!! nc-15... *hides*
Disclaimer : I’m not Johnny of course~!!
Summary : Jin found a Cupid Notes.. So how will he use it?? lol

~Chapter 2~

Jin was walking to his dressing room, grinning like mad and greeted everyone he met on his way. Yesterday’s practice entered his mind again.


The instructor arrived there after the chaos in the studio had already calmed down. After apologizing for making them waiting; he quickly started the warm up. All of them did it nicely and calmly as they managed to make sure Ueda and Ryo weren’t close to each other. Suddenly, they heard someone screaming.

“My leg!!!” Ueda hissed in pain as he felt his leg cramped. Hearing that, Jin got some idea and took out the Cupid Notes again and wrote something in the corner when everyone’s attention was on Ueda. He quickly hid it back and waited for his another plan to work.

“Ooii~ one after another?” the cupid asked. Jin looked at him, smirking.

“For sure Koike-chan…you should just sit back and relax…let me do your job for today…besides …you’re the one who told me to try this out…thehehe…” Koike shook his head. Seems like he should just do what Jin told him to.

“Still hurt??” the instructor asked. He already asked the other Johnny’s to continue their practice. The instructor just wanted to massage Ueda’s leg, but…

“Get away from him.”

“Huh??” Ueda and the instructor looked at the direction of the voice.

“I said get away from him..!!” Ryo swapped the other’s hand that was on Ueda’s leg and quickly he lifted the older guy -bridal style- without any word.

“Get your filthy body off from me!! NOW!!” Ueda seemed to have a sore throat later since he screamed a lot today but he fucking didn’t care if that was the only way he had.

But, Ryo didn’t even bother to put him back. Instead, he muttered to the instructor ‘We’re skipping today’ before he brought Ueda out of the studio.

The room was kept in silence for a moment before the instructor’s voice broke it finally.

“Ok.. Minna!! Let start our practice back!!” And they obliged and no one seemed to talk about Ryo or Ueda. Jin continued his practice with a smirk on his face. His plan was a success this time. Ryo, you better use this time properly… Or I won’t help you anymore…

End of flashback

He entered the dressing room and find K-TN already in there. They were sitting at the couch there with Maru sat in front of others; Koki’s arm placed on Kame’s shoulder which made he felt jealous a bit. He put his bag on his make-up table and heard their conversation.

“Ne, Kame.. Say aahh~” That was Koki’s annoying voice.

“For what??” Kame asked.

“Let me feed you this..” Koki showed him melon bread that he brought at the café.

“Since I don’t see you eating this morning, why don’t you eat this?? Say Aah~” The rapper continued.

“Why you being such a mother suddenly Koki?? And you make Kame looks like a little child, you know..” Maru stated and the three of them laughed.

“Okay.. Okay..” Kame opened his mouth as to let Koki feed him but suddenly Maru threw at him another pack of melon bread.

“Baka!!” The N of KAT-TUN walked out from the room. Koki then followed after him as he shocked why his lover suddenly being so moody. Jin was watching the scene and the corner of his mouth curving into a smirk; his plan worked again.. I’m so not gonna let you feed my Kame in front of me..

Koike suddenly popped beside him and said, “You used it again?? Looks like you really enjoying using this book..”

“I guess I am.. Well, I’m still following the rules, right?? I just want Koki to realize that Maru is actually jealous whenever he flirting my Kame..” He whispered as he put the Cupid Notes that he used just now back into his bag.

“Yeah.. That’s only your reason to avoid him from feed your Kame, ne??” Koike grinned. He knew he was right as Jin didn’t reply to him.

“Hey, why don’t you invite Kame to go breakfast with you? Don’t use Cupid Notes.. Let’s see if he will reject you or not..” Koike defied him. Without thinking anything, Jin walked to Kame.

“Do you already breakfast today??”

“Not yet.. Why?” Kame answered.

“Well, if you don’t mind, let’s go breakfast together.. I haven’t eat yet..” Jin smirked when the other accepted it.

Both of them walked out of the room and headed to the café. Jin smirked to Koike who watched him with pout on his face. Jin won this time.


Ryo walked slowly to the stairs that located at the end of the hallway. All his kouhai greeted him but he didn’t care since he was thinking something about what happened yesterday.


“Let me down now!!” Ueda grunted.

“Are you deaf or what?? I guess being in that bunch of crazy Osakan made you deaf, huh??” Ueda insulted him.

“Hey!! Kanjani is not a bunch of crazy Osakan, okay??!! And I’m still heard what you say because you were so loud!!! It’s annoying!!”

“See..?? I didn’t say anything yet but looks like you know who is that crazy Osakan, right?? I guess you know that you are also a crazy Osakan..” Ryo decided to ignore Ueda’s mock.

Ryo entered his dressing room and finally put him down on the couch.

“Don’t move, okay?? And don’t ever try to walk. You will hurt your legs more..” Ryo commanded. He went to his bag and searched something.

“Why did you bring me here?? I have my own dressing room..” Ueda tched but he didn’t move from his position, apparently obliged the Osakan’s order.

Ryo walked back to Ueda with a bottle of oil in his hand. He stood on his knees and pulled the other’s pants up. As Ueda was shocked with the latter’s sudden action, he just let him as the other started to massage his hurt leg using the oil he brought.

“Uh.. You’re good..” Without realized, Ueda moaned; he was enjoying the other’s treatment. Hearing that, Ryo stopped a second before he quickly continued his task in the same time tried to shove his dirty thought.

“More.. Urgh.. God.. You’re hand is so damn good.. Why not if your mouth is good like this..?” Ueda then quickly closed his mouth as he realized what he said just now can be mislead in other meaning.

“I mean it is good if you used your mouth to say something good about me; not mocking me all the time when we met each other..” Ueda muttered when he found Ryo was looking at him; frowned at his statement.

“I’m sorry..”

“Huh?? For what??” Ueda asked the younger man. Ryo was still massaged his leg.

“For my sudden kiss this morning.. I don’t know what had gotten into me but when you insulted my lips, I just really wanted to prove it to you.. And kissed you right there..” Ryo finished his task and looked into the older eyes.

“I don’t care about it now.. Well, I take your treatment as your apologize to me since your massage was so good.. ” He smiled. He loved to be massage and Ryo was really good in this.

Ryo moved closer to the latter’s face and kissed him before he pulled it back again.

“I’m sorry again.. I’m just feel like want to kiss you right now..” Ryo muttered.

“I don’t mind it at all..” Ueda then kissed the other back. It was an innocent kiss before it turned out to be a passionate kiss. Ueda moaned and Ryo took the chance to slip his tongue and explored his cavern. Soft moans escaped their lips. Their tongue entangled with each other.
Ryo started to explore Ueda’s body as his hand already slipped inside Ueda’s shirt. He caressed every part of body he can reach while the older tugged his hair; brought him more closer.

They finally broke the kiss as they need the air. Ueda still tried to gain his breath but Ryo started to kiss his jaw before slowly went down to his neck; licked it and sucked it. His hand now on Ueda’s chest and started to play with his nipples. Ueda moaned again; he had to admit that Ryo has a very talented hands.. And a talented mouth too..

“You’re.. so.. damn.. good.. Uh.. More..” Ueda moaned again and again. Right now, he didn’t care every single thing as Ryo’s ministration managed to make him forget everything they had between them. Ryo pulled the older’s shirt up; exposing his chest. He smirked when he saw the hardened nipples and licked before nibbled it which made he gained another soft moan from Ueda.
His mouth played with the nipple while his other hand thumbed the other nipple several times. He took a glance at Ueda; his eyes were half-lidded and his mouth parted a bit showed that he really enjoyed it. Ryo hand left the nipple and started to slip inside Ueda’s pants.

Suddenly, both of them heard sound of people walking to the room and it made Ueda realized that he was in NEWS dressing room. Plus, they were doing something that it will be damn bad if other people saw it. He then quickly get up and fixed his clothes and hair. When he saw a bulge on his pants, he blushed before he quickly left the room; leaving a dumbfounded Ryo.

Ueda opened the door and quickly turned left to leave the room.

“Eh?? Is that Ueda-kun??” He heard a voice from his back; it was Tegoshi’s voice.

“Are you sure??” This time, it was Shige’s. He also heard the rest of NEWS member. Oh crap..

I’m a dead meat now.. He quickly ran away, without ever turning back.

In the room, a pair of eyes that watching the event all the time tched. He just thought that thing will be going more interesting but, the other NEWS member disturbed it. He then took a look at the Cupid Notes in his hand then said, “Maybe I should just write here ‘they made up with each other without any interruption..’..” He then flew through the wall to find his new found friend, Jin.

(I bet you know who is that he, ne?? XD)

End of flashback

What the hell are we doing that time?? He must be hated me. Now, how can I face him??!! To insult him everytime we met already made me felt guilty, and now to meet him after that incident is more difficult..

Ryo thought so deeply until he didn’t realize he already in front of the door that connected to stairs there.

As he opened the door, he saw Ueda was leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs; with his hand crossed over his chest and his eyes closed as he was thinking about something.

Ueda was there for more than 10 minutes. He was leaned there all the time until he heard the door was opened. He opened his eyes and saw Ryo was looking at him.

I just thinking of him and yet, he right now is in front of me.. What a damn coincidence..

That is what they thought that time.


I’m done~!! So how??

Working on the next chap.. ^_^’ Hope can finish it soon..

Why I think this fic is more on Ryoda than my Akame?? :/

For that almost-and-lame smut since it’s my 1st time to write something like that, blame raixas!!! lol

She pokes me to write that part everytimes we talked bout fic..
Min-chan!! Be ready to post yours okies??

Comments and critics are so appreciated~!!! lol ^ v ^

fanfic;ryoda, fanfic;akame

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