[Fic] Cupid Notes (1/?)

Feb 09, 2009 16:29

Title : Cupid Notes (how Jin use it to get Kame)

Pairing : Akame, Ryoda

Genre : fluff, crack..

Rating : Still safe for now.. XD Will go up to nc??

Disclaimer : I’m not Johnny of course~!!

Summary : Jin found a Cupid Notes.. So how will he use it?? lol

Notes : Betaed by raixas .. Dedicated for her since she pokes me to write a nc16 fic.. lol Thanks to her too because helping me in this..


He flew around the area; looking for a nice place to rest. He was tired, looking for humans to be matched with each other. That was his work. Slung on his right shoulder across his chest was a small bag, occupied with only a bright pink book with something written on it; which human cannot understand. It was a very important book for him, as he cannot do his work without it.

He found a nice place to rest; it was a rooftop of a 7th floor building. After a minute, he landed on it. His book felt off from his bag when he landed. He wanted to take a rest or maybe a nap for a while which means that he would be skipping his work. But he didn’t care. His father was the head of his department. Of course, his father won’t punish him.

Anyway, it has been a week since he started his work. He really didn’t want to do this work, but he had to as all the fairies must start to work when they reached 20. In addition, he didn’t like human because they were always being selfish. Didn’t care about other and do anything as their wish.

He leaned on the back of the small room on the rooftop. He smiled as he felt wind softly hit his face. He was away from the noisy and no one was there to disturb him; not as human can see him anyway; as long as they didn’t touched his notebook. Remembering that, he tried to take his notebook out of his bag but then he realized his bag was already empty.

He sighed and he stood up to start searching for his book. He walked back to the place where he landed before, and saw his book but in the hand of a frowning man. He smirked as he had a good idea right now, but in the same time he wondered why the fairy didn’t make the book invisible to human. He walked towards the man.

~Chapter 1~

Jin was sitting there for about 20 minutes. He was puffing his 2nd cigarette. He didn’t really like to smoke, for he knew that smoking means killing, but only do it when he felt stress; as if the smoke can fade away his stress anyway. He fished out his phone from his pocket and flipped it to see the clock. 8.45 a.m. He had about 15 minutes more before his daily practice with his band will start.

His eyes were locked on the wallpaper of his phone. It was a picture of a young Kamenashi Kazuya, his band member and him. Both of them had a big grin on their face. He smiled when he saw that. He really loved that moment; the junior days where both of them enjoyed being with each other. Not before Johnny-san warned them.

He sighed. He had to get ready now. After the smoke entered his lung, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it before he walked to the stairs. But suddenly, his eyes caught something. It was a bright pink book. He took it and started to scan the book. It had something written on it but he didn’t understand. He frowned. Never see this before... He opened the book and saw something written in English inside. As he glad that he was fluent in English, he started to read it.

The Rules
  1. Write 2 names with x written between their names. Below it, write a cause/situation that will make they realize each other feeling.
  2. If the cause/situation is not written within 30 seconds, both of them will kiss each other for some reason...
  3. Your work is only to make them realize as their own hearts shall decides about the feelings they had for each other.

After a while, he burst into laughter. Come on~ Okay, now we have a Johnny’s that is really addicted with Death Note... And now, he wants to make another notebook… what should this be?? Love Notes?? Better call it Cupid Note, dude...

He laughed again; louder this time until tears start to form below his eyes. The book felt off from his hand as he had to hold his stomach.

“There is nothing to laugh for... Why do you think it is funny to have a Cupid Note??” Suddenly, he heard a voice came in front of him. As he looked up, he saw a very good-looking young man with white-pink matching clothes along with his tie. A bag slung across his chest and a pair of white wing behind his back and that was enough to make Jin laughed again.

“Okay… Okay… Are you new here?? I know a lot of Johnny’s always cosplay but you don’t need that wing, okay?? It’s better for you to cosplay as highschool girl or sailor moon... Fans love this more... But not as a fairy, okay?? Plus, you don’t need this book...” Jin said as he managed to calm down himself and collected the book back. Looks like Johnny-san had chosen an otaku to become one of his Johnny’s... He giggled.

“What are you saying?? I’m a fairy or it’s better if I said that I am a cupid... And yeah....I need that book to do my work.” He pointed to the pink book in Jin’s arms.

“Stop acting right now…Are you Pi’s friend or what?? You guys want to pull a prank on me right?? Okay, Pi…You have failed.. You think I’ll believe this??” He spoke a bit louder as if Yamapi was around there.

“Pi?? Who the heck is that?? I already said to you… I’m a cupid…CUPID…Give back my book!!” He grabbed the book from Jin but Jin quickly drew his hand to his back; don’t want to give the book back.

“Oh, really?? Prove it to me then..” Jin gave a doubtful look to the other. That so-called cupid sighed as he started to spread his wing and said “You won’t believe this...” before he flew around and made a circle around him before landed back in front of the now shocked Jin.

Jin with his unbelievable look waved his hand on the other’s head and back before he suddenly felt down to the floor.

“You.. You didn’t use… any equipment, did you??” Jin asked and pointed to the other.

“Of course I’m not… See, you won’t believe this right?? You want another proof??” He turned around and flapped his wing back and forth. When he turned around, he saw Jin’s mouth hanging open and he smirked to that.

“GAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ghost~!!!!!”

If not because Jin knew his high-pitched voice will attract anyone, he surely will screamed out of his lung. However, seeing the other flapped his wing and as he knew there was no equipment attached to it, and he already saw the other flew in the air, he had to scream. For the first time in his life, he screamed in a manly voice.

“You stupid!!! As I said, I’m a cupid!!” The cupid walked forward and took his abandoned notebook.

After Jin calmed himself, which took almost 5 minutes, he finally stood up again. He still wished that it was a dream though.

“I never believed that cupid really existed in this world…all that I know was a cupid is some naked boy with arrows and bow aiming for some couple to make they fall in love with each other…”

“Hey! That was some stupid legend okay! We evolved to be more educated and for god sake, with great fashion sense! Even greater than your company’s weird fashion for the employees! Now, just believe it...” the other pouted. He didn’t like Jin’s statement.

“Where are you going, Jin??” the cupid asked him as Jin walked to the stairs; completely ignoring his sentences before.

“How did you know my name? I don’t remember telling you my name yet...”

“I already knew your name the moment I saw you…Akanishi Jin…24 years old… Looks like you had a crush on…Kamenashi Kazuya, right?? Oh... It’s a forbidden love, huh??” the cupid laughed at his own words.

“Don’t worry... It’s not wrong after all... Love is blind... Anyway, my name is Koike.. Just call me Koike, okay??” The cupid said after there was no reaction from Jin.

“Hmmm... Whatever.. Anyway, I’m already late for my practice.. Got to go right now...” Jin walked down the stairs and rushed to the studio.

There were a lot of Johnny’s there including his band mates, NEWS and Hey! Say! JUMP as well. All the Jr. started to leave the studio as their senpai will have their daily practice right now.

The cupid followed Jin to the studio and he was shocked to see lots of pink turned to red bubbles on top of most of the men’s head in the studio. Okay, so only he can see that pink turned to red bubbles. What he had learned as basics in the Cupid’s Academy, pink bubbles mean love, yellow means affection and red means romance. What?? I never knew there were such places with lots of forbidden love before! Dad never told me about this!

“Hey...all the people in here are gay, ne??” the cupid asked.

“How could I know?? And how could you know?? Plus, can’t other people see you??”

“Hey! One question at a time please?? I’ve got the Cupid Eye…the eyes help me to see bubbles which represent human feelings…that’s how I know… and nope…they can’t unless they touch my notebook…” Jin nodded.

“Hey Jin..!! Why are you talking to yourself just now??” Maru patted his shoulder. Jin was shocked a bit to see the beat boxer had already stood beside him.

“Uh-uh…nothing…Where are the other??” Maru pointed to a couch there. Both of them walked towards to their other members with the cupid following them, and of course, only Jin knew about this.

The T-TU greeted them. Jin saw his crush was talking with his best friend, Yamapi, not far from them. And suddenly Kame noticed his presence and walked to him, he became nervous and Koike knew it. He saw on top of their head, a lot of red bubbles popped out and with each others name in it. Oh…Both of them secretly had a crush on each other.. I won’t tell Jin about this…Thehehe…the cupid smirked.

“Ah…So that is your crush, huh?? Are you nervous?? Just act like nothing, okay?” He giggled.

“Shut up!!” Jin scolded him with a lower voice but Kame could still hear him.

“What?? I didn’t say anything yet...” He frowned.

“No- Nothing…Anyway, the practice didn’t start yet??” Jin tried to cover up. He glared at Koike from the corner of his eyes. The cupid was still giggling.

“Nope…You are lucky today…Why are you late anyway??” Kame asked in concern. Jin looked weird today…

“I’ve got something to do just now...” Suddenly, he heard a loud voice and it was Ueda.

“You!! Go away from me!! Don’t sit beside me, you midget!!” Ueda pointed his finger to his so-called enemy; Ryo who was sitting beside him.

“Who said that I can’t sit beside you??” Ryo asked, smirk forming on his lips.


“FYI, I myself didn’t even want to sit beside you, but since this is the only place that is available now, so I have to..!!”

“FYI too, I don’t need your fucking explanation and now get out of my face!!”

“I don’t fucking care, and now shut up hime!!” And both of them continued mocking each other. Koike too watched both of them fought and again he used his Cupid eyes and looked up on the top of their head. He was shocked to see various colour of bubbles popped out from their head rapidly. Uwaa~! Sugoi! Yellow, red, pink, yellow to orange! Too many bubbles! He frowned and thought, did both of them loved each other?? But why are they insulting each other? And it so looks like they are not in a good term… Hmm… I need to do something...

“Don’t you want to try this book out?” Koike showed the book which only he and Jin can see it.

“Huh?? Can I?” Jin asked back, didn’t know what expression to show.

“Of course… Plus, to prove to you that I’m really a cupid...” Koike smiled. Jin thought something.

“Who should I begin with anyway?”  Hearing this, Koike smiled wider and the smile looked evil in one sort of way.

“You may start with both of them…I saw lotsa colourful bubbles on their heads…”

Quickly, Jin walked to the nearest table and took the book from the other’s hand and without other people noticed; he took out a pen from god-knows-where and started to write something in the notebook as an idea popped out from his mind.

“… what did you said just now??!!” Ueda widened his eyes.

“I said that you have a fishy lips…It covered almost half of your face~!!” Ryo laughed mockingly to the other.

“Shut up, monkey face!! So you think you have nice lips, huh?? You know what?? I almost can’t see your fucking lips…!!” Ueda bashed back.

“Don’t try to lie…You wanna see it?? Let me show it to you...” In a second, Ryo’s lips had already being pressed on Ueda’s. Both of them were in that condition for seconds which made they gained a big applause from the other members who were watching.

“Ryo is kissing his hime~!!”

“The sexy Osakan prince is kissing his princess~!!!”

The room was now filled with wooing and it really made Ueda shocked and felt angry with the other’s sudden kiss and the reaction they gained. He quickly pulled himself back and stood up.


Ueda had started to attack the Osakan but his other member managed to stop him right there while Ryo was taken away with his band mates who were afraid if Ueda still managed to attack him anyway. They wouldn’t want to lose a member, again. The rest of NEWS thought.

The studio was in chaos for almost half an hour with Ueda screaming all the time; cursing the kansai man. Meanwhile, Jin was watching the event with a smirk. His plan went very well just as what he wrote just now. He took a glance of the notebook before he quickly hid it and went to Ueda. Koike too was watching with excitement. Owh huh…this is so gonna be fun!

In the notebook,

Nishikido Ryo x Ueda Tatsuya

Both of them are to mock and insult each other. Suddenly, Ryo insults Ueda’s lips which make the other insults him back. Ryo wants to prove something about his lips, so he kissed Ueda. They are to be in that condition for a few seconds. The other people around are to watch them and give a big applause for Ryo’s sudden action.


How is it?? Hope all of you like this~ ^__^’

Just want you to know, I didn’t believe bout cupid and such things ok… Just write this for fun..
And I got this idea from Death Notes anyway.. no point telling you this, huh??

Comments and critics are very LOVE LOVE LOVE~!!!

fanfic;ryoda, fanfic;akame

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