[Fic] Cupid Notes (3/?)

Feb 22, 2009 17:45

~Chapter 3~

Both of them looked at each other and without Ryo realized, he walked to Ueda. Only after he stood a few step from him, Ueda was blushing as he suddenly remembered what happened between them. Seeing that, Ryo too avoided from looking the tea-haired man.

He must be thinking about yesterday.. Oh shit!

Finally, a voice broke the silence.


Kame entered their dressing room and Jin followed behind him. After muttered ‘thanks for your treat’, Kame sat on the couch and busied himself with the magazine there. Jin then quickly sat on his make-up table and took out the Cupid Notes.

What should I do?? What should I do?? He thought. He wanted to use the book on his Kame after used it on RyoDa. He knew his plan to make RyoDa together worked very well, since he heard NEWS member saw Ueda walk out from their dressing room.

He then wrote down Akanishi Jin x Kamenashi Kazuya in a slow pace as he was still thinking some idea.

Make him hug me?? That’s lame..

Or just let him confess to me right now?? No.. That’s against the rules.. Plus, I don’t know whether he really like me or not..

Make him strip himself?? Oh crap.. That’s no good~ What the hell I’m thinking right now??

Jin fought with his own thought but the time was tickling every second. So, suddenly..

“Jin..” The said person turned around and saw Kame was standing. Kame moved closer to him. But, there was something on the floor and Kame didn’t realize it until he stumbled and felt but luckily Jin rose up from his sit to grab Kame’s body for prevent him from fall down on the floor. But, being a clumsy Jin which the result is; Jin felt with his back on the floor with Kame on the top of him; accidentally kissed him right there.

Jin can feel Kame’s moist lips on his and though he was shocked, he still responded to the kiss. They were in embrace with their lips on others.

Kame pulled back himself and blushed immediately. He didn’t think to stand up instead he turned his gaze on Jin’s chest.

“So-sorry.. Stupid wire..”  Red shade tinted on his cheek. Then, Kame heard Jin laughing.

“Maa.. It’s .. ok.. But I’m feel happy somehow.. You remember when we were in our junior days?? We used to be like this, ne??”

“Ah.. Ermm..” I’m feel so happy too.. But suddenly Kame realized they shouldn’t be like this as if other member entered and saw them in this condition, it will be no good. So, Kame asked the older to loosen his hand, but..

“Can we be like this for a while??” Kame then without thinking more, he made himself comfortable and rested his head on Jin’s chest.

Jin smirked when Kame did that. He knew Kame was longing this moment too. Just like him. He now wished nobody will enter the room. He was shocked before but then felt happy as he remembered the 2nd rule of the Cupid Notes.

If the cause/situation is not written within 30 seconds, both of them will kiss each other for some reason…

Seems like I don’t need any idea to make Kame realized his feeling towards me.. He smirked again.


“Why.. Why are you.. here??” Ueda stuttered as he tried to maintain his nervousness.

“Because… I want to use this stairs of course..”

“Yeah.. What a brilliant answer you have..” And again, they were in silence before Ryo decided to speak. . He didn’t want to say it but he had to.

“Hey.. About what happened yesterday, I don’t know who was guilty and who started it first, okay?? So, just forget about yesterday and act like nothing happen, can you??” Ryo was so nervous but he tried to cover it


I really don’t want to say this again~!! Ryo grunted.

“Are you.. deaf?? I said.. Uh.. Uh.. Just.. Just forget everything.. Anything.. That happened.. yesterday, okay??”

Ueda suddenly felt angry. He was just about to confess his true feeling towards the Osakan but now, he asked him to just forget everything and act like they never did anything?? He grabbed Ryo’s collar and tugged him closer.

“After what you had done to me yesterday and you know how I really enjoyed it but yet, you want me to forget all that damn thing and act like we never did anything like yesterday?? I was just thought that you really had a feeling towards me and I decided to confess to you my true feeling but.. oh shit!!! I’m so stupid to expect more for something like that from you!!!” Ueda said only in a breath. He was so embarrassed right now as he expected Ryo will confess to him; saying that he really love him despite of all his insults and finally they can live happily together. But, he was wrong. He then loosened his grip and stood in front the other. The tears of anger started to form on his eyes.

“Wait.. Confess?? Your true feeling to me??” Ryo who seemed managed to absorb every single word asked. He didn’t mishear it.

“Yes, it is.. I’m already attracted to you when we meet at the Shounen Club.. Just when I know I like you, the producer told that we will be in some stupid scripted fight but I don’t mind it if that’s the only way we can interact with each other..” He paused; to wipe the tear that start trailed down his cheeks. There was no need for him to keep about this as a secret anymore.

“But, you seem to in with it.. Or maybe you really hate me.. You mocked me all the time we meet.. However, the more you insulted me, it made me like you more.. although it hurt me sometimes..” Suddenly, Ryo pushed him to the wall and hugged him later; tightly.

“I’m sorry.. Truly sorry.. ” He mumbled.

“No need--“

“Let me talk first--“

“I said NO NEED!!” Ueda then loosened the younger man grip harshly and quickly went upstairs; leaving the Osakan alone.

Again, the cupid was watching them all the time. He sighed again as his plan failed.


I hate this chap…??

I really don’t know what I can write for Akame…

Maybe bcoz they are fated to be together~?? lol *bricked*

I’m starting to think if this fic is more on Ryoda.. duh.. (-_-‘)

This chap is short.. I know..

So, gomen if this chap really didn’t satisfied u.. *bows*

Blame my school and ohdamnit homework~!!!

Your comment are SO LOVELY~!!!! ^^

fanfic;ryoda, fanfic;akame

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