(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 15:28

Things you might like to know about 202(The TL;DR version!):


202 and her "sister" are clones of one another, "Test Tube Babies" of a sort made in a facility as an experiment into the genetic enhancing and reconditioning of humans. They are the results of what was called the "Genetic Interaction Project," a Government-funded black project attempting to create hybrid monsters, half-human and half-animal, to fight for the country. In this case, they began with wolves; Fierce, tireless, terrifying creatures with a pack mentality and incredibly heightened senses. They made two units to start with, designated GIP-U201 and GIP-U202, and got to work. The experiment was a success; They had created shapeshifters.

The two girls were raised in the same facility but using entirely different techniques in an effort to determine which would make a better candidate for the Military. 201 was raised as one would a child, cared for and treated with kindness and humanity. 202 was treated more like the wolf with whom her DNA was blended, never regarded as a person so much as she was a tool or a weapon. Neither of the girls had any complaints; Since both had spent their lifetimes thus, neither knew any different. They were permitted to interact and developed a great fondness for one another, coming to view each other as sisters rather than clones, and treated each other accordingly. Both were happy and healthy, and eager students that excelled in most every way. Their training started in early childhood and progressed from there, everything from combat training to an advanced school curriculum being drilled into them day after day until finally, it was "time."

The day came for the girls, these perfect soldiers, to be sent to the front lines. It went downhill from there.
201, having been raised to love and protect people, couldn't bring herself to act. She ran and hid, cowering in safety as she watched her "sister" do her job not just well, but with a great and terrible enthusiasm. The second clone waded gleefully into the fray in her larger, more monstrous form. 8 feet of teeth and claws, horrifically strong and relentlessly bloodthirsty, 202 was in her element. This was what she was made for, had trained for, been told to live for, and she loved every second. 201 huddled nearby, terrified and appalled, unable to do more than watch the monster that her sister was delighting in being. So horrified was she, in fact, that she neglected even to protect herself, a job which 202 took it upon herself to do. The Commander in charge of their operation took note of this and labeled 201 a liability and a failure, useless on the battlefield and worse, since she had distracted her teammate.

The higher-ups at the Facility took this knowledge to heart and the debate about how to act in response was a brief one. 201 was a failure, and an expensive one at that. As the result of such a covert experiment at a Facility that "didn't exist," she couldn't be released into society. As a useless piece of equipment, however, she couldn't be allowed to stay. The decision was made to destroy her.

Word of this reached 202's ears, and things went even further downhill. Though she was a loyal creature, she had come to reposition her loyalties without realizing it, a process which left her "sister" ranked higher on her list of priorities than anything else. This was not something the Facility had anticipated, and so there were no safeguards in place when the ruthlessly-efficient, unstoppable killing machine of their own making decided she didn't want to be there anymore. Nobody thought to stop her when she helped herself to pound after pound of C4, perhaps assuming she was there for legitimate reasons-- As her well-faked clearance documents claimed she was. Nobody paid attention when she began setting the charges, assuming that she was indeed "Helping to check the security feed," or "Learning about motion-detector fixtures." Nobody checked, nobody cared, nobody thought she had it in her.

Which is why that night, as she and her "sister" made their way hurriedly into the forested darkness surrounding the smouldering remains of that Facility, nobody survived.


How 202 reacts to other characters is mostly dependent on how they treat her. She was raised to be polite, efficient, and subservient to humans outside of the battlefield. These are learned behaviours that are thoroughly-ingrained, but not unchangeable. Depending on how long she's been in a game and what sort of CR she has there, odds are very good she'll have developed a bit more of "herself" to supplement her strict Military upbringing. As a rule, the following are pretty constant;

~ Though she's the more serious of the "twins," 202 isn't a grouch, though she can come across that way. She actually has a pretty decent sense of humour, dry and perhaps a little dark at times, but it's there(albeit well-guarded initially).
~ That being said, 202 is not necessarily "nice" either, at least not for no reason; She doesn't go out of her way to help people, and she doesn't feel guilty for that. If she offers assistance to a stranger, rest assured she's getting something out of it.
~ What she's getting might, if you're lucky, just be the thrill of the hunt, fight, or whatever it is that she's doing. 202 revels in battle, which is sensible given that she was made for it. Caked in blood and surrounded by fresh-wrought ruin is the most likely time to see her absolutely overcome with sheer glee.
~ The other time you might see that is when she's learning things; She's a voracious learner with a great passion for books of all shapes and sizes. Any period spent physically inactive is likely one spent reading, often until she falls asleep with her face in the pages.
~ Her other great enthusiasm, unsurprisingly, is for weaponry of all shapes and sizes. This combined with her love of learning means that a relatively easy way to win her attentions(even affections) is to present her with some kind of weapon that she's never encountered before, and let her learn about and/or use it.
~ She's also a morning person, unlike her sister who most emphatically is not.
~ She loves coffee, and drinks a fair bit of it. She makes it strong and takes it black, thank you very much.
~ 202 takes most everything at face value; If somebody shows or tells her something incredible(Magic, etc), she'll just go with it rather than waste time trying to deny/make sense of it. She will of course try to rationalize as much as possible, but denying things just because they don't make sense is where fear comes from, and she doesn't have time for that. This is convenient at times, such as when meeting otherworldly people or when on the battlefield, but hugely inconvenient at others-- Like when she's hallucinating and doesn't take the time to think about how little sense something makes before deciding to lay waste to it.
~ Last but not least, 202 is absurdly protective of her sister and will place her safety above all else, including her own, time and again. It doesn't matter, to her, what else is at stake, so long as 201 is safe. She might not abandon all else to go running to her sister's aid --She can take care of herself, after all, if she has to-- but it does mean that she'll prioritize differently than might be most positively-received.

-Physical Description-

202 and her sister are both blondes with wavy, hip-length hair and bright green eyes, who stand a deceptively small 5'3", and appear slight of frame. They both possess the sort of easy grace that one usually encounters with dancers and martial artists, for good reason.

They both left the facility wearing their uniforms, typical military-issue camouflage affairs, the only difference between them being that while 202's undershirt is standard olive drab, 201's is a light pink(she demanded it and it was provided on the understanding that there had to be some way to easily tell them apart on sight).

Under the clothes, both girls are almost entirely well-toned muscle, not to the point of being grotesque, but enough that it's easy to tell that they train hard and often. Not that they're likely to be mistaken for the opposite gender, however; The girls both exhibit a less-dramatic take on the classic hourglass figure, though whether by design or by fluke is up for debate. 202 can't see the point in having breasts at all, for example, while 201 just seems to think they fill out a tight shirt or low-cut sundress very nicely. The truth is that the muns are both artists who can't seem to manage drawing anything less than a C-cup without it looking like an unenthusiastic sail on the HMS T-Shirt.

The only noticeable differences between the two girls physically are;
~ They both have a designation tattoo on the inside of their right ear, which read "GIP-U201" and "GIP-U202" respectively.
~ 202 has a spattering of fingerprint-sized scars across her torso, and one about 1.5" in diameter that completely encircles her left arm at the shoulder. 201 has no visible scars, given that she doesn't participate in combat.

-Special Abilities-

The girls are what their Facility(which, yes, is all they knew it as, if indeed it had any other name) colloquially called "Shifts." In essence, they're shapeshifters. They have three separate forms(Human, Wolf, and "Werewolf"-- 8 feet tall and made of nightmares), and can alter individual parts of their anatomy between them as they see fit, to an extent. Their transformations are pure science, not magic-- They aren't called by the moon any more than you or I are, and it's not something they can transmit to anyone else.

It works primarily by virtue of a reinforced, telscoping bone structure and likewise-reinforced, pliable musculature. They are, as a result, incredibly strong(think "Bench-pressing Buicks") and durable(Think "Winning out in a collision with said Buick"). They heal rapidly by virtue of the same process that imbued them with their other talents, and as a result do not get sick or poisoned easily. Their rapid healing means they can shrug off most bullet wounds in a second or two and even reattach a limb if they can find it quickly enough, though they can't regrow what's been lost entirely.

They're not indestructible or immortal by any means, just very, very hard to kill. Enough hits from a high-enough caliber weapon could do it, as could decapitation, drowning, and so on. Drowning is in fact a very real concern for the girls; Because of the way their skeletons and muscles work they are incredibly dense-- Much in the way that Chimps cannot swim due to inadequate fat-to-muscle ratios, neither can the twins.

For the record, their full transformations don't take long, are entirely voluntary, and incredibly painful, so odds are good that post-shift they'll be a bit irritable. This process and their rapid healing both take a lot out of them. Their rapid metabolisms power these processes as efficiently as possible, but also mean that the girls are both big eaters and heavy sleepers when their bodies need to recharge(which, predictably, is after any greater-than-average expenditure of energy).
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