Learning About 202! Because That's Fun. Honest.

Aug 14, 2011 18:39

Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is she heavyset, thin, short, rangy? 02 is short(5'3") and fairly slight of build, but curvy enough that she definitely isn't likely to be mistaken for a boy. She and her sister were designed to be visually-appealing, after all.

2. How old is she? She's 21, and more or less looks it--Maybe just a hair younger.

3. Describe her posture. Does she carry herself well or does she slouch? She's been with the military since before her 'birth,' and it shows. Her posture is almost rigid, even in relaxed situations, and when standing still she tends to automatically assume parade rest.

4. How is her health? Is she fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? She's very much in shape. There's really only enough body fat on her to account for her curves; Everything else is lean muscle. No illnesses or disabilities to speak of.

5. How does she move? Is she clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid? "Fluid" would be a good word for it. 202 and her sister both move with the sort of calculated grace one usually associates with dancers or martial artists. Every move is deliberate, since thanks to the fact that she's a lot heavier and stronger than somebody her size ought to be, she has to be careful or she might hurt somebody/something.

6. How attractive is this character physically? How does she perceive herself in the mirror? 202 has no concept of vanity, at least not in regards to herself, so she doesn't really think about her own perception. She's more "cute" than "pretty" though, generally-speaking. They were designed specifically to look disarming, which probably accounts for the girls' ample freckles and so forth.

7. Describe her complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? She's pale and prone to freckling more than tanning much. Her face is (somehow, for now) free of scarring, but the rest of her body is kind of a wreck(Described below).

8. Describe her hair: color, texture, style. Her hair is a dirty golden blonde colour and hip-length when dry, but it's fairly wavy/curly, so when wet it's probably a little below her butt. She pays almost no attention to it whatsoever, so there's no set "style" per se and it tends to get fairly mussed throughout the day. She does at least comb and braid it before bed, at least, so it doesn't lock up or anything.

9. What color are her eyes? Bright green, when she's calm. When angered or otherwise worked up enough, the irises turn a golden yellow. If things go truly downhill, even her sclerae change, fading to black.

10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features? There's a series of fingertip-sized scars scattered across her torso in a line from her right hip to her left shoulder, which is ringed in its entirety by a stripe of scar tissue about 1.5 inches in width. Depending on what game she's in, there may be others as well(in Ruby City, for example, there's a fist-sized patch on the right side of her torso that's mirrored on her back from a huge wound that went all the way through). Aside from those there are various old ones from your standard nicks and scrapes, but generally they're quite faded.

11. What are her chief tension centers? Her sister, primarily. 202 loves her sister with a fierce protective drive, but as a result she's constantly concerned for her wellbeing and looking out for potential dangers to her. When she knows 01 is safe, however, not much bothers her too much.

12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does she have six of the same suit? 02 tends to stick to what she knows--Fatigues, PT clothes, that sort of thing. She does have a fondness for oversize sweaters, though, and appreciates the practicality and durability of jeans. When not in her boots, she prefers bare feet to socks or slippers--Those are really just liabilities, thanks to their instability.

13. Do her clothes fit well? Does she seem comfortable in them? Her underclothes/undershirt/PT gear fits well enough, but her fatigues themselves are actually bulky and a few sizes too big. This is entirely deliberate, to play up her diminutive stature and make her seem "cuter" in case she should find herself intercepted in the field.

14. Does she dress the same on the job as she does in her free time? If not, what are the differences? Pretty much, she dresses the same. In her free time, though, she'll shuck the jacket most of the time. It's bulky enough to be a hindrance, after all, so she'd rather just keep the undershirt.

15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? ...Standard cotton bikini-briefs, thanks. Oh, or boxers! Wait, no. That would be silly. :p

1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse? She sounds obviously-female, and young, but not childlike. Smooth, but not "deep."

2. How does she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does she talk easily, or does she hesitate? Usually, she speaks evenly and deliberately-- She's not prone to shouting or really getting worked up at all, most of the time.

3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? None to speak of. If anything, she can come across as terse thanks to the military bearing of her speech patterns, but those tend to ease up as she spends more time outside of the Facility.

4. What language/s does she speak, and with how much fluency? English is her first language, but she speaks passable French and German. Other languages would have followed in the course of her training, had she stayed "home."

5. Does she switch languages or dialects in certain situations? Not at all.

6. Is she a good impromptu speaker, or does she have to think about her words? She generally puts thought into her words before ever actually saying anything aloud, and as a result most everything she says comes out sounding very measured.

7. Is she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change? She's generally articulate, though perhaps not what one would necessarily call "eloquent." Catching her off-guard tends to result in stunned blinking rather than stammering while her brain catches up enough to formulate a response.

Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is she book-smart or street-smart? Book-smart? Very. Street-smart? Not. At. All.

2. Does she think on her feet, or does she need time to deliberate? She's excellent at thinking on her feet; It's something that was hammered home time and again as she grew up.

3. Describe the character's thought process. Is she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical? Definitely more logical and practical than anything else. She prioritizes, and once she's ascertained what falls where on that list it might as well be set in stone.

4. What kind of education has the character had? Very, very strict. 202 was put through a very intense scholastic program in the course of her training, and actually supplemented it willingly with any and every book she could get her hands on. She still will, given the chance.

5. What are her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is she interested in learning more about? American history, primarily its military history, was her best subject. Combat(obviously) is her actual area of expertise, and she cannot learn enough about it to sate herself.

6. Is she an introvert or an extrovert? Somewhere in between, really. She's comfortable approaching/speaking to people enough to act socially--That was part of her training, of course--but is generally more content to be alone or with one or two other people on a regular basis.

7. Describe the character's temperament. Is she even-tempered or does she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven? She's fairly even-tempered as long as there's no immediate threat or whatnot to be dealt with, but overall she's efficient as all holy hell in her day-to-day proceedings.

8. How does she respond to new people or situations? Is she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic? She's suspicious, whether or not she actually shows it. Everybody is a potential threat until proven otherwise, after all. That's not to say she's fearful, mind you--She's absolutely confident in her abilities--but she's definitely prone to keeping an eye on people. Situations might take her off-guard, but generally she'll just take things at face-value until she can figure them out later.

9. Is she more likely to act, or to react? Well, that's very situationally-dependent. She'll act if it's required for defense(even offensive "defense"), but mostly she'll hang back. It's smarter, in her eyes.

10. Which is her default: fight or flight? Fight. Every time.

11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks? Oh, she's got a sense of humor... Hidden in there, somewhere. It's dry, maybe even a little dark at times, but it's definitely there. Bathroom humor would likely be met with a roll of her eyes, but pranks? Oh, be careful--once she learns that pranks exist, she's got a devious streak in her like you wouldn't believe.

12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does she deal with them? Nope! Sane as hell, sorry.

13. What moments in this character's life have defined her as a person? Oh, glory. She grew up in a military-run facility as a manmade monster designed and trained to be an instrument of war. She was an object, definitely not a person. Let your imagination run with that--Maybe some other time I'll have the energy to fill this out with specifics.

14. What does she fear? Not much, all told. Her Gunnery Sergeant intimidates her--He's been the one solid authority figure in her life that's remained unchanged since her childhood--but other than him she really only worries for her sister, not herself. That being said, she has a healthy wariness of deep water; Due to her incredibly dense physicality, she can't swim. At ALL.

15. What are her hopes or aspirations? Survival, plain and simple. That's all. Her goal is just to live, free of the Facility, and keep herself and her sister safe.

16. What is something she doesn't want anyone to find out about her? She generally keeps the fact that she's basically a WEREWOLF a "Shift" hidden, at least until she feels safe enough to let it be known. It's something the Facility's people would pick up on if word got out, and the last thing she wants is to risk the capture of her or her sister by those people.

1. Describe this character's relationship with her parents. "Parents?" Hah. 202 and her sister were manmade, experimental little test-tube monsters. Her "parents" were DNA samples, and she has no clue whatsoever what her potential heritage might be.

2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like? She has her "sister," 201. The two are actually just clones, really, two versions of the same genetic makeup. They treat each other as sisters, though, and 02 is fiercely protective of 01 since she's not as combat-oriented as her twin is.

3. Are there other blood relatives to whom she is close? Are there ones she can't stand? Nope, just her sister!

4. Are there other, unrelated people whom she considers part of her family? What are her relationships with them? In Ruby City, 02 has developed a friendship that might as well be a familial relationship with Hidan and Kakuzu, a pair of violently sociopathic ninja. Yep. Because that's logical. She's about as protective of them as she is of her sister, and actually counts on them more than she would on 01 because of their capabilities.

5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet? The aforementioned ninja are definitely her best friends, and they were both "met" shortly after their initial arrivals in the city.

6. Does she have other close friends? Other than those two, she considers the Turk Reno high on her list of favorite people, and met him the same way--She likes to be a creeper watch for the train to arrive sometimes when she's bored, and creep on make note of who comes in on it.

7. Does she make friends easily, or does she have trouble getting along with people? She makes polite acquaintances easily enough, but she generally doesn't trust most people enough to call them her "friend."

8. Which does she consider more important: family or friends? It would be a tough call, to be sure, but she'd probably prioritize her sister.

9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has she been married more than once? She's single, but(in Ruby City, again) attached. Very, very attached.

10. Is she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse? The aforementioned attachment is indeed to a non-spouse, yes. She's rather thoroughly in love with none other than the human embodiment of the Swiss Confederation, Vash Zwingli. Yes, a country. In case the ninja weren't arbitrary enough.

11. Who was her first crush? Who is her latest? Her first "crush" might have been Lavi(sure, let's add another series into this mix. Why not?), if she'd had any idea what a "crush" was. Mostly she'd just never met somebody with her passion for books before, and he had a weapon unlike anything she'd ever seen(Ho HOH, innuendo!) before.

12. What does she look for in a romantic partner? It's not something she'd ever given thought to before, honestly. Vash won her over without her even realizing what was occurring-- He was competent, brave, skilled and intelligent, shared her passion for knowledge and weaponry, and humored her more than she deserved. Between that and their various adventures together, the bond just developed.

13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does she relate to them? If no, does she want any? No, and she doesn't have any such urges--Which is convenient, given that she and her sister were both designed to be completely sterile.

14. Does she have any rivals or enemies? Not really, other than whatever Facility personnel she's afraid she might encounter someday.

15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does she fall on the Kinsey scale? She's a 3, I suppose--202's only use for sex is for fun, so...

16. How does she feel about sex? How important is it to her? She likes it! A lot! That's the long and the short of it. :3

17. What are her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits? ...I imagine there's a lot of rough stuff.
...Like... A lot.

1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does she fit type? According to this ridiculous-looking site, I'd say she fits hers pretty well.

2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in her life? Religion/spirituality have absolutely no importance in 02's mind. Less than none.

3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it? ...Not... Not really, no. She's pretty amoral, all told.

4. How does she regard beliefs that differ from hers? Is she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent? She's curious, endlessly so. Other mindsets are just alien and curious to her.

5. What prejudices does she hold? Are they irrational or does she have a good reason for them? She doesn't, miraculously enough, really have any prejudices--In fact, xenophobia is a pet-peeve of hers. Mostly, the world just fascinates her.

Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt? She's never had any money of her own before, and Ruby City operates without currency, so...

2. What is her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected her? She grew up being told, forcefully, that she was decidedly subhuman. Over the course of her time in RC she's very, very gradually coming to accept that not everybody feels this way about her--But it's very odd.

3. Where does she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is her home her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does she share it with others? She shares a large house, originally with her sister(who is no longer in the City), now with Hidan and Kakuzu. When she was with her sister and then alone in it, she kept it spotless with typical military efficiency. With two violent--and occasionally messy--ninja, though... It's a chore sometimes.

4. Besides the basic necessities, what does she spend her money on? n/a

5. What does she do for a living? Is she good at it? Does she enjoy it, or would she rather be doing something else? When she was at the Facility, 02's job was basically "Go to battle; Destroy absolutely everything you see." She was, in short, very, very good at it. And yes, she enjoyed it.

6. What are her interests or hobbies? How does she spend her free time? She's a voracious reader and keeps her sidearm in immaculate condition through an almost religious level of care, but other than that she likes to train however she can, EAT ALL THE THINGS EVER, and spend as much time as she can enjoying the company of "her" people.

7. What are her eating habits? Does she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods? She. Eats. Everything. Enough for several people, no exaggeration. And while she does enjoy alcohol, it's more of an occasional treat than anything else.

Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is her favorite:

1. Color? Green
2. Smell? Fresh air, good Scotch, gunpowder
3. Time of day? Very early morning--Just before sunup.
4. Season? Fall
6. Music? She doesn't have much familiarity with music, at least not beyond cadences.
7. Place? Her home, the wooded area of the City's park, pretty much anywhere Vash is
8. Substance? Water, bizarrely enough.
9. Plant? She's developed a fondness for flowers in general, and two in particular-- The Edelweiss and the Mountain Lily.
10. Animal? Wolves(HAH), butterflies, birds in general

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