Permissions Post

Feb 23, 2011 10:14

CHARACTER NAME: GIP-U202 / "Unit 202" / Whatever the Hell People Feel Like Calling Her
CHARACTER SERIES: None/Original Character


Backtagging: Please do! I love backtagging.
Threadhopping: Again, please! It keeps things colourful.
Fourthwalling: Ooh, maybe not so much. She's confused enough about the world as it is.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): What, me? Offend me? Good luck, tiger.


Hugging this character: Knock yourself out, but for your own sake I'd warn her first. 202 appreciates the significance of physical contact, but she also tends to be on the defensive by default.
Kissing this character: Sure thing; Expect bafflement or delight, situationally-dependent.
Flirting with this character: By all means! Again though, depending on how long she's been in-game, she may or may not understand what you're doing.
Fighting with this character: Only if you want to make me really, really happy. Fighting is what she was made for.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Naturally. If she fights, she's liable to get hurt, but that's okay-- She can take it. Everything from cuts and bruises to eviscerations/amputations are something she can recover from relatively easily, but please don't totally destroy any removed parts without clearing it with me first; She can't reattach what isn't there anymore.
Killing this character: If it's her time, it's her time, but please let's plot it out first?
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Sure thing, she doesn't have any real defense against that.

Warnings: 202 isn't a bad girl, honest, but she's also not above razing a city to the ground if she has to. Oh, and don't mess with her sister. That would be... Very bad.

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