(no subject)

Jan 15, 2011 23:52

Name: Dae
Personal Journal: Dae
E-mail: VodkaAndCockatoos@Gmail.com
AIM/MSN/etc: xCatDancerx

Name: (First, Last. Western Style) Unit 202
Age: (Real / Apparent, if applicable) 21
Appearance: 202 moves with the easy confidence of somebody who knows precisely how dangerous they are. She appears to be in her late teens or early twenties, and stands an athletically-built 5'3", not so much thin as she is lithe, with bright green eyes and wild, tangled hair that hangs to her waist in dirty blonde waves. Her clothing seems to be slightly oversized standard military fare-- Unadorned camouflage pants, jacket and hat paired with a plain olive-drab undershirt and combat boots. Most of it is dirty or ripped here and there, but it all appears mostly intact. Other than her clothing, the only physical trait of 202's that might hint to her prior life with the military is a smallish tattoo which traces the outside curve of her right ear and reads "GIP-U202."

Chosen PB: Kesha Sebert

Personality: Though not devoid of personality, 202 lacks most of the social conditioning that would normally account for much of it. She genuinely does not understand most social emotions, such as shyness, anger, love, humour, or guilt. As a result of a lifetime spent being trained to be subservient to any and all humans she should happen to encounter outside of hostile situations, she comes across mostly as being polite, agreeable, and articulate, if somewhat reticent. This same training, however, is also responsible for what occurs beneath her outward facade; In truth, 202 is immediately distrustful of most humans and more than a little appalled by many of their behaviours. It's not so much a complex as it is simply years of experience which have taught her how people can be willfully cruel or otherwise unsavoury, and that it's best to be wary lest they turn such treatment on you.

As time passes, more of 202's individual personality is likely to come forward, and to be shaped by who and what she encounters outside of the Facility's influence. She sees herself first and foremost as a protector to her sister, which surprised her when it proved to be the only thing about her that took precedence over her existence as a soldier. She knew already that she was capable of any acts of war, however horrific they may be, but was surprised to learn that the devotion she held for her sister was stronger than the compulsion to follow orders that had been bred and then beaten into her throughout her life. This devotion stemmed, of course, from love, but she can't recognize that concept in others, let alone herself.

Outside of the facility, people may initially interpret 202's quietly-observant, efficient nature as being cold, or ruthless-- almost to the point of sociopathy. In certain situations, she is absolutely capable of such traits, but for the most part she's trying to learn. She wants to know how and why people behave the way they do, and trying to make sense of the changes she's beginning to feel within herself since the escape she orchestrated with her sister from the Facility that made them both.

World Information: 202's world is essentially a very slightly-altered version of our own-- The only real difference is that, at least to the best of my knowledge, our US Government is not genetically-altering and experimenting with people and animals to create that old chestnut, the ideal super-soldier. Her only knowledge of the world consists of what it was like inside the Facility(which is the only name she knows it by), and whatever her voracious mind could pick from their educational materials there. She knows history, geography, and so on, but it's really just "book-smarts" with no practical experience whatsoever. What she has learned of people, mostly, is that it is her job to be subservient and protective of them, even though the ones she interacted with at the Facility tended to treat her essentially like the animal she was designed to be.

History: Selectively-"bred" and born into a test tube, it would be hard to call 202's life ordinary. While she never got a birthday party, a prom-- Hell, not even a name-- she did, however, have her moments of excitement. Her first weapon(A Kabar boot knife, age 5), her first award(Unarmed Combat, also age 5), her first firearm(Browning Hi-Power Standard, age 10), her first transformation(Age 18; Prepubescent shifting is still impossible, due to the body's volatile state at that age)... All these were important moments to her, and she relished them.

Every opportunity she had to excel, she took. Every time she could do better, she did. She was exactly what the military had wanted her to be; Ruthless, efficient, skillful, willing. She was intelligent, dedicated, and unstoppable. All of these seemed like such positive traits, until the day she learned that her sister was going to be destroyed for failing to live up to the same standards. That was the day she determined just where her loyalties lay, and turned those talents on her makers.

Upon the discovery of their intent, 202 took matters into her own hands, orchestrating an escape for her and her sister. The bombs she detonated around the Facility were hastily-constructed and more massive than strictly necessary, but going overboard in her efforts to keep her sister safe would prove to be a recurring habit-- There is nothing at which 202 will stop to ensure 201's wellbeing, even at the expense of her own.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Both of the twins excel in Military maneuvers, everything from weapons training to world history has been drilled into them over a lifetime. They're both immensely strong and durable, but only physically-- Mentally and emotionally, they differ vastly from one another. 202 is socially-inexperienced to the point of callousness, generally regarding humans on the whole as being weak and disposable. She has no experience with, time or use for most social human emotions(EG- Anger, shame, humor, jealousy), regarding them as personal shortcomings in an area in which she has no experience. Due to the physical makeup that allows them the ability to change between forms, both their bone and muscle structure is much denser than that of a human, rendering them substantially heavier than they look and almost entirely incapable of swimming. 202 is immensely protective of her sister, to the point of personal weakness-- She will disregard the safety both of herself and others if it means keeping 201 safe.

Abilities: 202 and her sister are both what their facility called "Shifts;" They are essentially a bioengineered werewolf species created through the process of gene-splicing. Their "transformations" are completely voluntary(Excesses of volatile emotion, however, might cause it to occur accidentally), and while in either of their nonhuman forms(there is a full wolf form and one that's larger and a bit more monstrous & warlike) they are still themselves, mentally. Though they can change parts of their body as and when they choose to(Just their ears or feet, for example), it's a rarely-demonstrated ability as it is, essentially, useless. A final part of Shifts' genetic conditioning is an accelerated healing rate; Though they're not invincible by any means, they are immensely durable and are designed to heal rapidly in the event that any damage does occur. As a result, their bodies tend to automatically repair lost or damaged cells, which essentially prevents them from aging once they've reached adulthood.

First Person: [Hair hanging wet and heavy in her face makes it hard for the girl to make out where they are-- How had she managed to get them here, let alone intact? Tired, she's so tired that anymore all she can seem to focus on is keeping one foot in front of the other... But they're... lying down, stretched out in what looks like the passenger section of a train. How...?]

"Oh-one.... Oh-one, wake up. I don't know where we are... Oh god, where are we going?"

Third Person: 202 had no idea where they were, but it seemed... Well, intimidating. Even with the looming, lurking sense of dread it seemed to emanate, however, she couldn't help but think that it had to be better than what awaited them if they turned back. This was only a city, after all, slumlike though it seemed to be--A city was just what they were looking for. A place to blend in, to disappear, at least for a while. Glancing down at her barely-conscious sister, she hoisted her one last time to readjust her grip.

"We're almost out of the woods, Oh-One. Stay with me just a little bit longer, I'll make sure we're safe, I promise-- They're not going to get you."

Her sister didn't give much indication that she'd heard, beyond forcing a wan smile up at that the other girl. Not that 202 needed encouragement at this juncture-- She knew what was hunting them and what would become of them if they failed, if they were caught. It was incentive enough. Shoving her own exhaustion and pain to the back of her mind, she took one more heavy, heavy step. It felt like they had been running forever.

"I'll keep you safe, Oh-One. No matter what it takes. I'll keep you safe."
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